When I felt the hot water on my back, I groaned. I couldn’t deny that my entire body was ready for any kind of enjoyable contact, but I still groaned for the pure joy of a hot shower in the late autumn. Although sensual was pleasant, sexual would have been preferable. Much better. The hot water was now running down my back, sending thrills of satisfaction all the way to my toes. The chills were a little different when I shifted back and felt the water spilling over my neck and down over my breasts.
The water now rolled over my face as well, grabbing both of my breasts, and I smiled. They seemed so odd, so unusual. By the time I reached the eighth month of my pregnancy, my body had been completely destroyed. I squeezed my two extremely huge boobs and then lightly pinched my nipples as I gazed down, water running from my lips, nose, and forehead. I soon experienced a buzzing sensation in my lower abdomen.
I had never had breasts that large with my first pregnancy. Nearly twenty years ago, at the age of eighteen, I became pregnant. I watched with awe and fear as my slender body changed. With 34C breasts, a small waist, and only a glimpse of the hips I would eventually develop, I had a little frame. I had first embraced the changes and new curves, but by the time I was ready to give birth to my son Danny, I felt like a fat, bloated piñata that could hardly move because my body had chosen to swell and retain a lot of water.
It was a completely different this time. I had been able to reclaim some of my lean, prior to becoming pregnant figure throughout my twenties and forties. Naturally, my hips kept some of their feminine characteristics, and my waist never got quite so little. Fortunately, my breasts had also retained some of the excess mass to match my hips.
When I became pregnant a second time, so many years later, I thought I knew what was about to happen to my body. I was wrong. Even though I was now only a few weeks away from giving birth to a daughter, I didn’t feel bloated at all. I had gained a lot of weight, of course, but most of it seemed to be in my belly and breasts. I didn’t know how big this daughter would be, but my belly was a lot bigger this time around, and so were my breasts.
At first my boyfriend, who wasn’t Danny’s father, enjoyed my changing body and fixated on my breasts. But for the last few months, his interested waned and I was left pretty much alone to deal with the relentless sexual urges I was feeling. I could have eaten him alive and promised him daily blowjobs if we fucked every night, but he was somehow turned off by the thought of having sex with a baby inside me. Yet for me sex was all I wanted to do!
And so now in the shower, all alone in the house with the music blasting, I enjoyed my body and prepared for a long masturbation session. I caressed my shoulders and neck, smiling as the sensations grew. Despite the hot water I felt goosebumps rising as my fingers kindled a cascade of sweet sensations. Looking down at my breasts again, I saw my long hair all over them, and even down to my belly.
I grabbed the wet tresses and pulled them away, almost giggling as I felt their tips tickle my skin. I played with the long locks, enjoying the way they hung and clung to my curves as if trying to highlight them even more! I caressed my belly and while I had a fleeting thought for my daughter to be, I pushed it aside and focused on my own pleasure.
I pushed my hands lower and reached my pussy, feeling the thickening patch of hair down there. I usually kept it cleanly shaven, but had let it grow during the pregnancy. I didn’t know why. As I reached my clit and engorged lips, I forgot about that too. I took a sharp intake of breath as the first spike of pleasure hit me. Shit! I could already feel that this was going to be one powerful orgasm! My pussy also felt engorged and full; I could feel that my lips were significantly bigger. A few days ago I’d had to use a mirror to look at it, and felt like a teenager discovering her body for the first time! I had giggled on my bed, trying to angle the mirror in the best position to see my own pussy.
I turned around and let the shower hit my breasts and belly directly, enjoying the sensations. When I grabbed the soap and began to lather up, I had flashes of the last time my boyfriend fucked my breasts. I had been six months into my pregnancy at that time, and my breasts had already grown dramatically. After my first pregnancy and throughout my thirties, my breasts had never returned to my 30C. Before this second pregnancy, most of my bras now were 32C or 32D. I had felt blessed, as some of my friends’ breasts had fallen after breastfeeding. Instead, my post-breastfeeding breasts had remained round and firm. And bigger!
Now though, so near to my term, I was wearing bras with 36E cups! It was insane! And I feared they had grown a bit more since buying those last two bras. Oh, how my boyfriend had loved those breasts during the first five or six months! They had become his altar, and he revered them daily! He had loved to touch, massage, grab, squeeze, lick and kiss them. Just as he had loved to fuck them. And I could have let him do that for hours of end, hungry for sex as I was.
But as my belly began to swell significantly, it all stopped. I was left panting every morning as I watched him get ready for work. At first I would pull the blankets off of me and masturbate openly in front of him. It had worked a few times: he would fuck me quickly before running to work. But after a while, I would only masturbate in silence, under the blankets, as I watched him dress. As soon as I would hear the house’s door close, I would finish myself and scream my pleasure.
That is, unless Danny was in the house. But thinking of Danny as I caressed myself in the shower wasn’t the best of ideas. About six weeks ago, during the last glorious day of Fall, Danny had spent about an hour splitting wood in the backyard. It had been a warm day with the sun out and soon he’d removed his shirt. I had stared at his powerful torso covered in sweat, glistening under the sun. Through the window I had begun watching him innocently, but without realizing it, my eyes had glazed over and I had spent a long while carelessly caressing my pussy under my yoga pants.
When I’d realized what I was doing I had stopped, shocked, and had moved away from the window. That same night, as my boyfriend was sleeping next to me, my fingers had found their way to my pussy again and images of my son’s body had stormed my lust-filled mind. The following morning, alone with him in the house, I had decided to tease myself and had gotten out of my room wearing nothing but my very thin satin night robe. Being almost naked right next to him as we talked and ate our breakfast had been a naughty pleasure. A very intense pleasure, but very naughty, like smoking weed in the backyard when you’re sixteen while your parents were sleeping.
As I had sat down in front of him at the table and felt the robe fall from my thighs. I had grinned then, knowing that if he dropped something and knelt under the table he would see my pussy. He hadn’t. But even so, I knew that he couldn’t miss my nipples as they poked under that thin satin. I had spent hours like this during that morning, naked except for the robe, and it had kept me on a very sharp sexual edge. When he had finally left, I almost ran to my bed to masturbate!
This morning in the shower, my entire body keyed up, I couldn’t help but picture that scene again. I had felt bad about masturbating that first time, but now I had thoroughly lost the war against lust. I remembered how his muscles had been taut as he worked under the sun, how powerful he’d looked with the axe as the logs flew everywhere. I moaned out loud, feeling the hot water enter my mouth as I did. As hot as I felt, I nonetheless pulled my fingers away. This shower was only the preliminaries! Damn! I didn’t want to cum too quickly and I was not going to jerk off while thinking of my son! I grinned though, as I shook my head and the images came back into my mind, knowing I had already done so a while ago…
The fire that was waiting for me in the living room was probably burning some of the wood he had split for me. I pictured the thick bear rug in front of it, where I was planning on spending at least twenty minutes caressing myself. Before taking my shower, I had closed all the blinds, locked all the doors. This would be a glorious release! Unable to wait anymore, I turned the water off and got out. I wrapped one towel around my hair, pinning it on my head. Instead of drying myself completely, I decided that I would just relax in front of the fire and let it dry me. Then again, there wasn’t any fire that would have been able to dry my pussy right now.
When I opened the bathroom door, the music became louder and I decided to dance to it. I walked out slowly, taking my time, making my extremely curvy body turn and sway all over the place. I couldn’t dance as fast as I would have liked, but the languorous jazz music fitted my mood perfectly. I felt my legs working hard as I lowered myself, my knees opening and twisting before coming back up. I made a wave from my head to my hips, making my breasts heave and my belly follow.
I reached the kitchen and grabbed the countertop, bending forward and feeling the weight of my belly under me. And my breasts. I smiled as I felt them dangling heavily beneath me, and enjoyed the feelings as they moved from side to side in sync with the rhythm. With one hand, I reached for one of them and grabbed it hard. There wasn’t any milk yet, but they certainly felt like they were overfilled. I moaned again, eyes closed and lost in the sensations. I felt the huge aureolas under my fingertips, their dark pink skin covered with tiny bumps, and even felt them rise up to my touch. The nipples themselves were also much, much bigger than they usually were, and when the blood and maybe milk distended them, making them hard, I felt their stiffness against my fingers.
When I straightened up, I pulled my towel off and fluffed up my hair before making my mane swing left and right. The cool tresses on my skin, from my shoulders to my waist, was an added sensation. Still with my eyes closed, I moved slowly but made my upper body move like a flame from side to side. Once more I felt my hair plastered all over my body, hugging my every curve like my boyfriend didn’t want to do. I felt my breasts move as I did, sliding over my upper belly. I then pushed my arms above my head, completing the wave and making my breasts thrust forward even more. Every time I arched my back, I felt them thrusting forward and to the side before swinging back down into place. I twisted a few times, adding to the sensual move, as my entire body burned with femininity and raw lust.
And it was then that I opened my eyes and saw Danny in the living room, his jaw opened and eyes wide. From his vantage point he had seen everything. Absolutely everything, including the moment when I had bent forward, grabbed my breast and moaned. Shocking me, the dark side of my mind briefly alighted with lust as I looked at him, shirtless in front of the fire. But that only lasted a fraction of a second. After that I screamed and fumbled to grab my towel and cover myself.
“Danny!” I shouted. “Damn it!” I nearly cursed as I tried to cover myself. But even though I wanted to move quickly, I felt like I was all thumbs. “Why didn’t you say anything?” But my son was transfixed, his eyes darting all over my body, his mouth still opened. “Danny!” I shouted again.
“What? Oh! Damn! I’m sorry! Shit! I’m so sorry mom!”
Now halfway decent, I walked towards him, fuming. I could see that he knew I was angry. He was still sitting on the couch with his phone in hand. At least it hadn’t been pointing in my direction! “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Hmm. I… I don’t know. Mom, I sorry. I should have… I…” he was mumbling incoherently.
“Go to your room and let me dress. We’ll talk about this.” He hesitated for a moment despite having started to get up. “Well?” I asked, standing next to him with my fists on my hips.
“I… I can’t… Oh damn it…”
When he got up I couldn’t help but see his erection. It was making a huge tent in his pants, and he didn’t have a shirt to hide it. I was left in shock at the sight, and once more my dirty mind tried to take over. But I shook my head and simply stood there waiting for him to disappear up the stairs. I took many deep breaths to calm myself as I looked at the bear rug and the glass of wine that had been waiting for me. I couldn’t enjoy that, now. I decided to take a few sips regardless, and went to my own room to dress.
I then went upstairs and knocked on my son’s room. I heard him jump on his chair and he said “Wait… Just a sec.” Then “Ok.” He was sitting at his desk, and kept his back to me. As I sat on his bed, I tried to figure out if he was simply ashamed or if… no, that wasn’t possible. I had caught him masturbating a few times in the past. I had never seen him actually do it, but I was pretty sure that I had unwittingly interrupted him before. And it had looked exactly like this. Had he been, just now, because he had seen me? No no no… That was just my hormones talking!
I took a deep breath and tried to focus. “Sam… I sorry I screamed at you earlier. You surprised me. But I have to ask again. Why didn’t you say something?”
He took a deep breath before replying “I don’t know mom… I’m sorry.” he was red faced, barely looking at me.
“Sam. Look at me. It’s strange that you didn’t say anything, but listen, it’s no big deal… You only saw me naked, it’s nothing to—” But I stopped, remembering that he had seen me bend forward, grab my breast and moan. Shit. I sighed. “Look. Why don’t we just forget that this happened?”
“Sure,” he said, weakly.
“Just promise that if this happens again, you’ll let me know, OK?”
“Sure,” he repeated, clearly uncomfortable.
I didn’t know what else to say, and I was pretty sure the best thing was to simply forget about it. I squeezed his shoulder as I got up and closed the door behind me. After taking a first step, I stopped and stood right next to his door. I knew this wasn’t a good idea, but I couldn’t help myself. That dark side inside me was gaining some ground and I wanted to know if he had really been masturbating. A minute went by, then two. Nothing. Not a sound. I was about to leave when I heard it, a moan. Then another. I carefully leaned against his door and pressed my ear against it.
Damn! I felt a thrill between my legs as I not only heard him breathing hard, not only heard him moaning, but I even heard the rhythm of his fist on his cock. Reflexively, my hand went to my pussy and and gently caressed myself through my yoga pants. When I heard him whispering “Mom!” I froze. The rational part of my mind briefly thought that he had somehow heard me, but the other part just accepted the fact that my own son was masturbating while fantasizing about his pregnant mother, whom he’d just seen naked.
The surge of pleasure I felt almost made me lose my balance. My nipples grew and grew until they looked like two big spikes on my breasts. This time, in my mind’s eye, I wasn’t seeing him splitting wood. Oh no. I was on my back, my legs splayed opened and he was kneeling between them, splitting my pussy opened. I could see him holding my knees in the air as his long cock ploughed into me relentlessly. He was pounding into me as if trying to split a huge log, striking me hard with his cock. Bang! Bang! Bang…
Shit! This had to stop! I knew that if I let myself cum right here, I could never keep it silent. I pulled my fingers away and listened a few moments more until I heard him climax, heard his chair creaking as he arched outwards in pleasure and whispered my name again.
I walked back down shakily, carefully managing the stairs and went to my room. I closed and locked the door, fell on my bed and made myself climax in less than fifteen seconds. My entire body was burning, from my big breasts and belly to my quivering thighs and glistening fingers. I pictured Danny doing so many nasty things to me, pictured myself doing even worse things to him, some of those probably illegal in some states… If Danny were to enter my room right now, I’d let him do whatever he wished with me. Any fucking thing. Looking down, I could see my huge nipples protruding lewdly from my top even through my bra. I grabbed one of them with my free and and stretched my pleasure as long as I could.
As I stood up afterwards, I knew that even though this climax had been profoundly satisfying, I was still keenly aroused. After changing my panties to a dry pair, I stood in front of my mirror, staring into my own eyes. My own son was lusting after me. And that only made me even more aroused than I already was. This was wrong… This was wrong on so many levels. But as my pussy still tingled, images of him covering his belly with his sperm while thinking of me came to my mind.
I walked to my door and paused one last time before opening it. I had to make a decision. In a few weeks I was going to give birth to my daughter and won’t be able to have sex for a couple of months. My boyfriend wasn’t interested in sex with me, and even though his appetite would most likely return in a few months, it didn’t help me right now. And finally, there was a delicious male in the house, a male who had been transfixed by the sight of my naked dance, had masturbated thinking about me and was probably still hard for me right now. Right this minute. He was hard, I was wet. Wasn’t it as simple as that? No, but… I opened the door and exited my room with my decision made: I was going to seduce and fuck my own son.
I spent the next half hour alone in the living room, trying to read a novel but finding that one of my hands was always slipping towards my pussy. I built the fire to a roaring heat, hoping that Danny would remain shirtless today. I had no idea what he had planned, as he hadn’t been supposed to be home. I was now wearing my black yoga pants, clean but probably damp panties, a bra and a white tank top. Nothing else. I let my hair loose, flowing all over myself, as I knew Danny liked it. Actually, everybody I knew loved it when I let my thick hair free, but today I was doing it for Danny.
He eventually came back down, driven by his stomach. Then again, as he saw me on the couch, with my breasts outlined by the tight top and my nipples poking out, I was pretty sure that something else was also driving him. He had put his shirt back on, but after complaining about the heat he removed it again. We ate together, reheating last night’s dinner, and talked a bit. I was leading the conversation, and noticed that he was stealing glances at my cleavage every time I turned my head around.
My sports bra wasn’t up for the challenge of making my breasts pop so I had to find another way. As we were nearly finished, I got up and leaned over the table to grab Sam’s plate. As I did, he stared into my cleavage, his eyes growing round. The little devil was gawking at my breasts shamelessly, not even bothering to hide the fact. Or, rather, he didn’t seem able to realize that he was doing it. I was grinning as I pulled away. Danny surprised me by bringing the rest of the plate to the kitchen. Wearing nothing but his blue jeans, he slipped behind me, squeezing himself between my ass and the kitchen island. In the process, he rubbed himself against me, and I felt a significant bulge scrape against my ass.
I couldn’t know if it was his phone, wallet or cock, but my body didn’t care and I felt pleasure flaring deep between my legs. He mumbled a “Sorry mom…” as he did, only to do it again a moment later as he went back to the table. He could have walked around the island, so I knew that he was doing it on purpose. As I felt my pussy heating up, I realized that I wasn’t the only one who hadn’t been entirely satisfied with my climax. As I had my back to him, I pulled the tank top slightly lower, revealing more of my cleavage.
When I turned around, we nearly bumped into each other. This time, he was forced to slip between the island and my belly. When I felt his bulge touching my lower belly, I momentarily closed my eyes. This was crazy! After I sat back in my chair I said “Sam, would you mind giving me a massage? My shoulders are killing me…”
“I’m sure they are!” he said lightly. Was he making a reference to the fact that my breasts were big?
He went to the bathroom to get the almond oil and came to stand behind me and gently grabbed my shoulders. I asked him not to use the oil and felt his disappointment, but he started to work my shoulders. He gradually increased the pressure until I was moaning under his touch. I didn’t care if it sounded sexual, I was just in heaven. He was really good with his hands, and had given me many massages in the last few months.
I was now beginning to understand why he was so generous with his hands. Placed as he was, he could see directly down my top, and some of the moves he did made my breasts jiggle. Why hadn’t I ever noticed that before? I grinned as I said “Oh my gods Sam… You’re so good. Ooooh. This is so nice. Yes, like this, deeper. Harder, yes, just like that, don’t stop. Oh gods!” I cried out, perfectly aware that I probably said very similar things to my boyfriend during sex. “Here, let me turn this chair sideways, so you can go lower.”
As I sat back down on the chair, I leaned against him and felt his erection against my back. He stayed there and kept massaging my shoulders even though he must be in an awkward position to do it. He didn’t seem to care as his fingers slipped lower in front until they closed around my collarbones. When he pushed lower to the stressed muscles above my breasts, I moaned again, encouraging him. I felt his cock surging as he pushed as low as he would dare, the flesh in the highest part of my breasts reacting under his fingertips.
When he moved back up to my trapezius, I felt once again my bra straps under his fingers. Given the weight it had to support, he couldn’t simply slide under them. I reached up, without saying a word, and pushed them and the tank top’s straps outwards until they fell on my arms. I had never done this before with him. He cleared his throat as he resumed working my muscles. This time he pushed me forward to get a better grip. And maybe to place me in a position where the bra might fall lower?
He kneaded my upper back and shoulder blades for a while, then went lower and lower until he reached the bra band. This time he was the one to make a move without talking or asking about it. Danny simply grabbed the band and pushed it lower a few inches. In the front, I felt the bra and top slipping down, revealing a lot more cleavage. “Could you also do my lower back?” I asked. He simply hummed is assent and guided his hands much lower. I reached back and pulled my top higher to let him work. As he did, I leaned forward all the way, resting my arms and head on the table. I knew he could see my ass thrust towards him, and soon his hands were all over my waist.
Despite my pregnancy, I still had a trace of a waist, especially from the back, and he worked it thoroughly. I said “Thank you for helping your old mother… My sore muscles really needed it.”
“You’re not old, mom.”
“Thank you for saying it… But with this pregnancy I feel really old, old and out of shape. I feel like a bloated balloon.”
“Pfff! You’re not a bloated balloon! You look, er… you look beautiful.”
“You really think so?” I asked, smiling.
“Of course…”
“Yeah, I kind’a noticed earlier…”
Danny froze, then took a deep breath. “Mom. I’m sorry OK?”
“Oh, I don’t really mind, son.” I said, giggling. “I reacted out of reflex, but… Oh. It’s been so long since a man has looked at me like this…”
Danny didn’t reply instantly. He kept massaging me for a while before saying “Why are you saying that? Isn’t your boyfriend…”
“I don’t think he really likes seeing me big like this.”
“Then he’s stupid!” Danny replied. They didn’t have the best of relationship.
“Don’t say that Danny… You know I hate it.”
“Ok then. But he’s… er, he’s… blind then. You’re gorgeous and the pregnancy only made you even—” and he stopped himself.
“What?” I asked.
“Never mind… I don’t think we should be talking about that mom.” he was obviously very nervous.
“Danny. Let me tell you something about pregnant women: we feel like cows at the end of the pregnancy, and few men enjoy such deformed bodies. My boyfriend just happens to be one of them. And it seems like most men are.”
“Well, I’m not. I think you’re beautiful, I think you’re…” he took a deep breath. “Oh what the hell… I think you know it by now. I think you’re incredibly sexy mom… Most of my friends think so too.”
“Really?” I laughed softly.
“Yes, they do!” I could hear the smile in his voice.
“Oh, I wasn’t talking about them. I don’t care about them, Danny. You find me sexy?”
“Shit! Oh, sorry! I mean yes! I’m just sorry you had to see me gawking like a mindless fool earlier today…”
I took a few breaths, enjoying this immensely. “Danny. As I said I don’t mind.” I paused, hiding my grin in my arms, “So if I were to ask you to remove my bra and top so that you could give me a real massage, you wouldn’t mind?”
“Er… No. Not at all.” I could feel his voice shaking as he replied.
“Ok then… What are you waiting for?” I smiled as I felt him fumbling with the top, then the snap. “Now, don’t peek!” I said, laughing as I did.
I knew he was looking at the side of my breast, and it was perfectly OK. Heck, if he grabbed them both I would only moan his name out loud and gush all over the chair! But that was insane, right? The part of my mind that rebelled against such incestuous thoughts was very small and dim right now. My blood was rushing in my vein, I knew my entire body was getting hotter and hotter and knew my panties were already wet. I would have given anything to have a real massage while lying on my stomach, but that wasn’t really possible right now. So this would have to do.
I felt his powerful hands on my skin, from my neck to the small of my back. Every time he scraped my sore muscles all the way down I felt both more relaxed and more aroused. I knew my nipples were fully hardened, engorged and huge. My nipples and areolas had grown faster than the rest of my breasts, making them seem very big on my even bigger breasts. I thought they were beautiful, but I was pretty sure my boyfriend didn’t think so. I wondered if Danny did…
When Danny put more pressure moving upwards, pushing hard on my shoulders, I felt my breasts jerking at the same time. They rested against my huge belly and in this position were pushed slightly outwards: Danny just couldn’t not see them. Danny spread his hands away from the muscles along my spine and massaged my sides and shoulder blades for a while. I don’t know if he did it accidentally, just lost in the moment, or if he did it in purpose, but suddenly I felt his fingertips grazing the very sides of my breasts. I took a sharp intake of breath as he did, but transformed it into a moan before he could panic. “Oh yes… This is tense. Push harder under my armpits and go down…” I said, knowing what it would entail.
Danny moved his fingers up and gently began kneading these muscles. They were really tense, but as he moved lower and lower, I felt his fingers touching my breasts again. Probably emboldened by my request, Danny kept on massaging my breasts, even going a few inches directly onto the massive flesh. When I moaned, I wasn’t too surprised to hear it sounding a lot more sexual than the previous ones. Moans of relief didn’t sound so husky! Danny slipped his fingers under my breasts, but with his hands turned downwards, fingertips on my sides and not upwards against my breasts. Nevertheless, he pushed my breasts up just by slipping in, and I felt them bouncing back against him. In a whisper, Danny said “Mom, can I massage your belly?”
“Why of course Sam…”
I heard him sigh as he pushed his hands lower and caressed my enormous belly. After a while he reached for the oil. He hadn’t asked permission, but as his lubed hands touched my belly I moaned so long that I heard him giggling behind me. His big, warm hands were incredible on my skin. Danny was doing the best he could in the position, bent forward over me and trying to reach all the way around my belly. He couldn’t quite reach all of it though. “Sam, if I sit up and give you better access, do you promise you won’t stare at my breasts?”
“Yes mom, of course…” he replied.
When I did sit up my top and bra fell away from my breasts. It took me a few seconds to pull them completely off, and I looked at him. I had to laugh. Danny was kneeling next to me, staring shamelessly at my distended breasts, his eyes seemingly locked on my monumental nipples. His mouth was slightly opened and while I could see him reddening, I knew that he wouldn’t look away. As I got up and turned the chair back into normal position, I said “Oh my little liar!”, laughing.
“I’m sorry mom… I think I just don’t have enough willpower…” but he was smiling as he did, aware that I wasn’t angry.
“Ok then… Would you mind massaging me while you ogle me like an uncouth hooligan?”
He laughed with me but started to caress me again. Despite the utterly bizarre situation, I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes. I could imagine him staring at my nude breasts as he caressed me, his mouth open and erection throbbing in his pants. His hands were wonderful, and I didn’t know if it was because he was good or because I was starving for any physical contact. I didn’t care. Even when I felt the back of his hand accidentally touching my breast, I didn’t open my eyes. He did it a few times, and the last time he tried he let his hand linger a long time under my breast before moving away.
Eventually I felt him slow down and I opened my eyes. He was completely flushed, his skin bright red as he pulled his hands away. He was also very nervous and he stood up to leave. I said thanks and heard him mumbling something in return before he disappeared into his room. I sat there, topless in the kitchen, smiling as I enjoyed the lingering sensations. Danny was obviously uncomfortable, and had probably been overwhelmed by conflicting emotions. Right now I didn’t care as I grabbed my own breasts, twisting my nipples playfully. If Danny came back down from his room I don’t think I’d be able to stop. I slipped my hands around my belly and masturbated right there in the kitchen, heedless of anything other than my own pleasure.
In my naughty mind I saw Danny coming to me fully naked, his huge erection throbbing in front of my face. He would grab my head and force me to suck his meat, treating me like the teasing slut I was. He would say that I was a bad mom, teasing him with my perfect breasts and huge pointy nipples. He’d say that I was now his to play with, his cum vessel, and that I would now let him fill my mouth, my pussy or my ass with his sperm. But most importantly, he’d pull out his saliva covered cock to fuck my breasts as if they were nothing more than sex pillows for his benefit. As I imagined him pushing my huge breasts together around his slick cock, I twitched on my chair, spasming in pleasure as my climax exploded. I was moaning out loud, not even caring if he heard at that point. In fact, I pushed my last long cry louder than it had to be so that maybe he would hear me.
As I quieted down, not hearing a peep from Sam, I slowly got up, shaking slightly, but with a grin on my face. I headed for the bathroom and took another shower to clean myself up. I thought about fetching my dildo as I caressed my pussy in the shower again, but decided to wait. My boyfriend would be home soon, but there was always tomorrow…
I sighed as my boyfriend left for work. The entire evening had been a disaster, and the night was very frigid. I had tried my best to make him fuck me. I even pulled out his cock and started a blowjob before he could stop me, but that didn’t work. He tried to stop me gently, but I ended up even more frustrated. So now, I was still on fire and Danny was in his room, sleeping. He was a very late sleeper, which didn’t usually bother me. Right now though, I wanted to jump him so bad that… And then I smiled.
I got up, took my nighty off and walked out of my room completely naked. If I was going to play, I better be sure I was fully committed! And boy was I committed! I walked up to his room and gently opened the door. Danny was snoring. He was a pretty heavy sleeper and I was pretty sure I could sneak in and have a little fun without him waking up. I tiptoed to his bed, and knelt down carefully. It was quite a bit harder to be silent with a huge belly adding so many pounds to your usual weight. And breasts too: I must have gained four or five pounds of weight just there!
I grabbed his blanket and pulled it off of him slowly. I marvelled at his tight abs as I revealed them, then opened my eyes wider as I saw that he was also nude. His nice cock was pointing towards me, soft and quiescent. I stared at it for long minutes, caressing my pussy as I did. The more I stared and caressed myself, the bolder and crazier my ideas became. Shit! I was already naked next to my sleeping son, but my mind had more ideas.
Very softly, I touched his cock. For the first time since he was a baby, I touched his cock. Once, twice and three times. I then let my fingertip slide from the tip to the base, feeling the warmth there. His cock was decently big, although I knew that flaccid size meant little. I pulled my hand away and switched. Now when the fingers from my other hand touched him again, they were wet with my juices. My son’s cock had my juices on it! I grinned as I touched and caressed him, feeling naughtier than ever before.
When I saw it twitch, I startled in surprise. For long seconds it twitched and lengthened under my eyes. When it stopped, I touched it again, marvelling as it grew more and more. Four, five, six and probably seven inches before it stopped. And thick. Damn, this cock must be wonderful in a pussy! I wondered if Danny was having an erotic dream. Wetting my fingers again, I caressed the underside of his cock gently, teasing his glans a bit. I knew that was sensitive, so I didn’t dare touch too much.
I smiled as his cock kept twitching, the skin looking painfully taut. When a big drop of precum appeared on the tip, I reached for it with my finger. Part of me wanted to taste it, but given how this whole mother son thing started, I placed it on one of my nipples. As I rubbed it in and squeezed, I felt a thrill in my pussy. I reached for a second one and placed it on my other nipple. Soon I managed to cover both my engorged areolas and was caressing them, breathing faster and faster.
With both hands spread wide, I grabbed my right breast and pulled it up until I could reach the nipple with my mouth. When I tasted my son’s precum for the first time, I felt heady, as if I’d just had three glasses of wine really quickly. But I wasn’t drunk! At least not on alcohol. I was drunk on my son! I was burning up for my son’s cock! Soon I was reaching for more precum, tracing a few lines on my distended belly. I was now caressing my breasts with one hand, my belly with the other and both of them dipped between my legs from time to time.
When I stood up, my knees making me know that I weighed a lot more than usual, I leaned above his bed and wondered if I could make my nipples touch his cock. Slowly, I placed my hands on the other side of his body and leaned forward as far as I could. And then I felt it, my left nippled touching his cock. It wasn’t his saliva covered cock fucking my breasts, not by a long shot, but the thrill was delicious! I played with his cock for a while before getting up.
Standing up right next to him, looking at his face from between my two breasts, I decided to try one last thing. I leaned over him once more and lowered myself until I felt my nipple touch his lips. At first he didn’t react or move, but then his head jerked slightly and he opened his mouth. For a brief moment my nipple was inside his mouth, and I realized that this nipple had been covered with my own saliva. He closed his lips very quickly on it before twisting away. I nearly cried out in surprise as his hand softly slapped my breast.
I straightened up, afraid that he was going to wake up. Then again, if he did, I wouldn’t give him any time to react before impaling myself on his cock. I looked at his thick erection again, biting my lower lip, and wondering if I shouldn’t just take him right then. He had been hot, bothered and erect yesterday, surely he wouldn’t mind… Shit! My pussy was dripping! Then again incest was one thing, but non-consensual incest was another. I reluctantly moved away from him and withdrew from his room.
I headed for the shower and masturbated furiously there, not bothering to stifle my moans. When I turned the water off, I listened for a while but didn’t hear anything. His room was far from the bathroom, and he probably heard nothing. I got out of the bathroom naked, not caring if he saw me again. Actually, I was hoping that he would, but he wasn’t there. I spent most of the morning naked in the house, knowing that he could wake at any time. There were a few places where I knew I wouldn’t have the time to reach my room before he would see me. I didn’t care.
In fact, I decided to do something dangerous. Whenever I felt like masturbating, I did, but never until I climaxed. Instead I edged myself for over an hour. I knew it was dangerous because it would put me in a very peculiar mood when Danny would actually wake up. Once more though, I didn’t care. I would rather face an outright rejection than never trying anything at all!
I was reading in the solarium when he finally woke up. The surge of pleasure I felt at the thought of him seeing me like this was intoxicating. The November sun was up and the place was wonderfully warm. While the solarium was next to the street, we had installed blinds on the three side walls, letting us enjoy the sun in privacy. And that’s how Danny found me, sitting there with a book on my belly, topless under the sun. I had a pair of yoga pants on, and nothing else.
I imagine that I made a remarkable sight, the sun highlighting the three special curves: my two breasts, exceptionally big, and my belly, much larger still. All of those were covered with a thin layer of almond oil, so they really glistened. Danny froze in his tracks and simply stared at me without any definite expression on his face. If he didn’t get the message now, he never would. We simply stared at each other for a while, me with a small smile on my lips.
I expected him to either cry “Mom!” in exasperation or just turn around and leave. I wished that he would simply come and fuck me, but that was impossible. What he did say surprised me though. He was standing there topless himself, wearing nothing but his pyjama bottoms, sexy as hell. After a while, he looked up from my breasts and I could see that he was still half asleep, groggy and dishevelled. Nevertheless, he said “Mom, you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen. And this pregnancy has made you even hotter and more desirable than ever before. You are a goddess and for the first time ever I’m sorry that I’m your son, because what I’d like to do to you…”
I sat there, stunned by his words. I could see his erection growing under his pjs. “Sam. Thank—” I stopped myself. I was about to play coy again, but this time I’d had enough. I could tease him until he snapped and jumped on me, or I could simply take this into my hands. I cleared my throat and said “Why don’t you come here and finish your massage? You left quickly yesterday and seemed to be about to do something I dearly wanted you to…”
Danny started to say something, but he stopped. He looked down at the obvious tent, then back at me. I simply looked down, staring at his erection for a few seconds, before looking back up at him. I felt his cock twitching under the thin cotton when I did. I placed the book on the table and curled my index finger repeatedly, gesturing for my son to come to me. As he walked, I wondered “Was this it? Was this where I would commit incest? Was I going to let my son fuck me in our solarium?” I had already been wet waiting for him to wake up, but now I felt like my pussy was a bubbling fountain of hot juices. He combed his hair with one hand, adding to the disorder there and making him even sexier.
Still only half awake, he lurched into motion, grabbed the bottle of oil from the table next to me and knelt. When both of his large and hot hands caressed my belly, I let my head fall back against the chair and closed my eyes. I was expecting him to stay there for a while, then accidentally graze my breasts until maybe becoming bolder. Danny surprised me again by simply sliding his opened hands on both my breasts at the same time. “Shit!” he whispered, staring at the flesh of my breasts as it moulded around and between his fingers. I took a sharp intake of breath and looked at him, but he kept staring at my breasts.
He was squeezing me very hard, right up to the limit where it would hurt me, but I was so aroused that I didn’t care. When he squeezed my nipples between his thumb and index fingers, I moaned out loud and reached for his head. As my fingers spread through his hair, Danny looked at me, a dazed smile on his face. “I can really do this mom?”
I nodded. “This, and much more I hope…”
“Shit!” he repeated again before leaning forward and sucking one of my big nipples into his mouth. I grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled him hard against me.
Danny sucked and licked and even bit my distended nipple and when it slipped out of his mouth with a wet popping sound, he looked at me again and said “I’ve been wanting to do this for so long mom!”
“I’m glad you did, son! Now do the other one!” When he did, leaning over my belly to reach it, I released his head and let my hand slide slowly down his cheek, neck, pecks and abs. “You’re a fucking stud, Sam! Juliette must be sore after you’re finished with her, pumping your cock with those abs!”
Danny looked up, eyes wide at my comment, and was laughing as he bent down to suck my nipple again. This time he opened his mouth wide and tried to take all of my areolas into his mouth. It was slightly painful again, but once more I didn’t care. I just wanted to be taken! After caressing his abs for a while, drunk on all this pleasure, I reached down and grabbed his thick shaft through his pjs. He moaned out loud, but his mouth never left my nipples and his hands kept mauling my milk-filled breasts.
When I pulled his pjs down, Danny simply shuffled on his knees, pushing them away as if it was the most natural thing in the world. He was now naked and gloriously erect in front of his pregnant mom as well as having his cock caressed by that very same mom. I was starting to go crazy with his cock in my hand and I pumped it slowly. Once more I saw a drop of precum on his tip and reached for it with a finger. When I brought it to my lips and tasted it, he saw me and grinned.
Danny then left my nipples to kiss and lick the two inner sides of my breasts, pushing them together to spread his saliva. Despite his young age and the incredibility of incest, Danny seemed perfectly at ease and in control. When he stood up and straddled my chair and belly, I found myself starting at his long cock from a couple of inches away. I reached for it and pulled it down, marvelling at the youthful firmness of it. Looking up right into his eyes, my son’s eyes, I opened my mouth and let him push his cock into my mouth.
I don’t think I’d ever felt so naughty and dirty as at this very moment, with my con’s cock hitting the back of my mouth. I felt myself shaking and heard my moans as if from a long way away, feeling like this was all a dream. But it wasn’t! Danny pushed his cock deep once more and I started to suck and lick and hum around his cock. This time it was he who grabbed my hair and pulled me near, at and beyond my limits. I felt overwhelmed by his intensity, convinced that I never had any cock as deep inside my mouth as he was right now. I moved on the chair to get into a better position and let him ravage my mouth. Soon I could feel my saliva and his precum on my lips, chin and dripping onto my breasts.
I was surprised and briefly felt empty when he pulled out without warning, and barely had time to understand what he was doing until he had pressed both my breasts around his cock and was now fucking them. “Oh my god… Shit! Oh mom! I’ve been wanting to do that forever! You have the best breasts ever, even when you’re not pregnant! But shit! These breasts are surreal! I think I could die right here and be happy!”
“Oh no you don’t! If you die right here, how are you going to fuck them every single day until I give birth?”
“Every day?” He cried out in pleasure as he kept fucking me.
I could feel his girth spreading my flesh violently, feel the intense pressure despite the saliva, and I couldn’t have been happier. Instead of a awkward mother, I now felt like a sexually awakened woman for the first time in months! And I wasn’t going to tell him to go slower. I wanted him to take me, to ravish me, to make me his plaything. I was interrupted in this train of thought by his cock forcing itself into my mouth again. His hand was suddenly on my chin, forcing it wider until I felt his cock slipping significantly deeper. I had to check a gag reflex as I took a cock into my throat for the first time. As wild as that felt, I didn’t want my first time with my son to finish with uncontrolled vomiting!
I pushed him away and he looked into my eyes with a different expression. Before he could say anything though, I said “Why don’t you take my yoga pants off?”
He grinned “I thought you’d never ask!” His big erection bouncing as he knelt, I grabbed my pants and pulled them all the way off. He stared at my pussy for a long while. “Mom! You’re pussy is wonderful! So big, so wet, so fucking nice! I really can…”
I just nodded as I couldn’t say more as I saw him grab his cock. My belly prevented me from seeing anything, but when I felt his glans touching my dripping lips, then splitting them opened, I cried out in pure lust.
As I felt inch after inch of my son’s cock penetrating me, I felt like I was crumbling inside. An hour of edging and deliciously long minutes of him caressing my breasts, fucking my mouth and my breasts… Overwhelmed by immoral pleasure, illegal acts and the deeply missed feeling of a cock spreading me open, I cried out and twitched as a first climax took me violently. I had my fucking son’s cock inside of me! I thrashed on the chair, twisting and turning around his cock as I felt him holding on to my thighs, his cock firmly planted as deep as it could. I shook and jumped, biting my lip to prevent from shouting out my pleasure to the entire neighbourhood. When I opened my eyes, I could see that Danny was surprised by this lightening fast climax. Panting, I said “Danny… Promise me that this was… was only… only the first… first climax of many!”
“You have no idea!” he replied, a wolfish grin on his face.
I barely registered that fact that he still seemed supremely confident despite his young age. But as he pushed my heavy legs up in the air and began fucking me proper, I forgot everything except my pleasure. I felt as if the intensity had increased an order of magnitude, even though I had just climaxed. When his wet finger touched my clit, I spasmed and reached in to slap his hand away. “Fuck me!” I whispered, my voice slurred, as I began to finger myself. I was splayed opened and had all the space I could want.
In a matter of minutes, with his steady steel-hard cock pumping, slamming against my hand with every stroke, I felt another climax rising from the still glowing embers of the last one. “Shit!” I cried out. “Harder! Deeper!” and he happily obliged, his powerful abs more than enough to fill my need. I felt my pussy turning hotter and wetter, and I knew I was probably dripping on the floor right now. When I climaxed again, I cried out and squeezed my hand very hard on his forearm. I was afraid that the chair would break under the strain, but it didn’t. Instead, I was being rocked outwardly by my intensely masculine son and inwardly by his ploughing cock, whose girth and angle caressed my clit from the inside.
As I began to swear as my pleasure waned, I relaxed and abandoned myself to the chair and Sam’s powerful body. As I did though, Danny pulled out of my pussy. Before I could do or say anything, he had slipped all the way on the floor and had began to eat my pussy. Few men liked doing that immediately after a woman’s orgasm, but it seemed that Danny loved it. I think I’ll have to find a way to thank his girlfriend for that.
With both hands on his head, I kept whispering his name as he ate my pussy. He broke away from me just a few times, and only to tell me how delicious I was. I was in heaven, and I guided him as he worked, telling him what I liked and didn’t like, what he could do harder or gentler, when to push his fingers inside me… I didn’t know how long he remained there, pleasuring me selflessly, unable to touch himself or even see my breasts! All I knew is that my third climax was steadily growing inside me.
As I began to whisper, guiding him for the last few moments, it pushed me over the edge. “Oh my dear son… your lips are so good, your tongue is so good… Oh yeah, kiss me right— Argh! Shit, yes! Suck my clit harder, harder, again, more, more… ok, Stop. Push your tongue inside— oh gods yes! Now just mash your tongue against my clit, harder, yes, just like that… Don’t move, don’t stop for any damn reason!
I clamped my thighs around his face as I pulsed and spasmed against him. I knew I was probably hurting him, but with his deepthroat attempt earlier and the crazy amount of pleasure I was feeling, I wasn’t going to stop for anything. Even for a third climax, I was rocked by it. I managed to restrain myself from shouting out again, yet felt destroyed by its intensity. When I released my son from my thighs, he was grinning like a fool, his entire face covered with my juices. “Lay down on your back!” I told him. “You’re going to get ridden and rocked like never before!”
He moved down and on the floor and I slowly stood up, only to straddle him. He grabbed his cock and pushed it upwards and we both groaned as I impaled myself upon it. By now I was more than fully lubricated and my pussy had been stretched by countless deep plunges of his fuck tool, so I just let myself fall on him. My weight brought me down hard and he reached deeper than he had before. I leaned forward, placing my hands on his muscled chest as I rose up for the first time.
I couldn’t match his speed, given my weight and awkwardness, but I would certainly match his passion. I stared right into his eyes as I rode him, seeing his entire body shake every time I let myself fall down. I squeezed his pecs hard and he groaned as I did.
Looking into his eyes, I said “Cum for mamma… Cum for me Danny, cum for me my little big boy. You haven’t been here in 18 years, and I’ve been dreaming about this for a long while now. Fuck me, let me fuck you… Fuck your mommy’s pussy and fill it, fill it with your hot sperm. I wanna feel it swimming around in my hole, want it all over my insides, wanna feel it dripping from my twat down my thighs once you’re done. I’m going to scoop it up with my fingers and eat it right in front of you… That’s how depraved I am, that’ how much I want you right now!
Danny’s eyes were wide opened, and I’m pretty sure that his little Juliette had never given him that much intensity. Suddenly he reached for my breasts and squeezed them hard as he began to cry out his pleasure. Despite the power of my strokes, he was now matching me, thrusting upwards as I drove down. Soon I just held myself a few inches above him and he powered himself into a frenzy. Despite his strong hands, I could feel and see my breasts and belly jiggle with his lightning fast strikes.
And then it happened, Sam, my loving son, exploded inside of his mother’s pussy. I couldn’t honestly say that I actually felt his sperm, I never had in the past, but the fact that I knew it was there, my son’s sperm filling my pussy, I went into a long plateau of pleasure. I was too burned out to have a fourth climax, but I stayed there a long time, moving up and down slowly long after he was done. At some point I felt and heard his limp cock plop out of my pussy and I looked down, smiling.
Still above him, I reach down between our bodies and scraped a bunch of his sperm on my hands. The look on his face as I brought it to my lips and ate it was wonderfully funny. We both laughed about it for a long while. After that, Danny slipped from under me and brought me to my bed. He went to the bathroom and returned to my room with a warm towel and proceeded to wash my entire body with it. He licked my pussy a few times, only teasingly, once he was done. Sitting on the bed, his cock already half-hard again, he paused and looked at me for a long time. After this silence, he said “Did you mean it mom? We can do that again?”
I smiled at him and said “Give me a few minutes, and we can try it doggy style if you want!
His eyes opened wide and we laughed again. Then again my expression changed as I saw his cock twitching back to life. My pussy was hungry beyond belief and that cock was now all mine!