Loosing my virginity to mom

Mum drew the car up outside the therapist’s surgery and leaned across to plant a kiss on my cheek.

“Have a good session, love,” she said.

“Whatever,” I grumbled, still feeling like a right prat for having to see this headshrinker in the first place.

“I’ll pick you up at two!” Mum called as she pulled away.

I trudged up the steps to the townhouse and into Dr Cavendish’s waiting room. Dr Eleanor Cavendish had been my therapist for what felt like donkey’s years. Mum and Dad reckoned I had an “attitude” problem and that she’d help me channel my anger into something more constructive. It all kicked off after one particularly awful day when Mum’s constant moaning finally pushed me over the edge and I blurted out, “Piss off, Mum!” That was the final straw for Dad. Instant grounding, swiftly followed by my first appointment with Dr Cavendish.

I buzzed the doorbell to let her know I’d arrived and sat down in the waiting room. It always struck me as a bit odd, being a therapist and working from home. What if some nutter client went completely mental one day and wanted blood… they’d know exactly where she lived. The surgery door swung open and Dr Cavendish beckoned me in.

“Welcome, Matty.”

She was wearing a simple, elegant dress today, and I swear it did things to the colour of her eyes.

“So,” she began, “I’d like to pick up where we left off last week, but first, how was this past week? Do you feel you’ve made any progress in managing your resentment towards your parents?”

“Suppose so,” I mumbled, lying through my teeth.

“That doesn’t sound very convincing.” The doctor’s brow furrowed slightly. She was genuinely beautiful. I found it hard to concentrate on anything she was saying, just looking at her was enough.

“I don’t know what you want me to say! Do I love my parents? Yeah, probably. But it’s hard to get past the fact that my dad’s a bloody idiot who doesn’t know how good he’s got it, and Mum’s too damn weak to call him out on his shite. And meanwhile, I’m supposed to just accept that I’m the one who needs help?”

“Matty, this isn’t the first time you’ve mentioned your father’s lack of appreciation. Could you elaborate a little? What do you mean, exactly?” she prompted.

“I mean… he convinces Mum to marry him when she’s nineteen, right? She’s a solid ten, and he’s a fat, balding git, but for some reason, she loves him, has his kids, plays housewife, and he can’t even be bothered to touch her! But he’s got no problem shagging his goddamn golf instructor!”

Dr Cavendish frowned, obviously not impressed with my choice of language. I could have sworn there was disapproval in her eyes.

“Matty, what did we say about making accusations you can’t prove?”

“Oh, I can prove it, alright. I found her knickers in the back of his car. And the seat smelled like sex and fanny. I might be a virgin, but I bloody well know what fanny smells like, Doc.” I instantly regretted being so crude in front of her, but it was too late.

“Well, why do you assume they belonged to someone else and not your mother’s?” she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and perhaps a little amusement.

“Because… she doesn’t own those knickers…” I stopped dead, the words hanging in the air.

“Interesting. And how do you know she doesn’t own those knickers?”

“I…” Bugger. “I don’t. I just… they didn’t look like her size. They were tiny, and… tarty. The kind some eighteen-year-old tart from the golf club would wear.”

There was a long silence as Dr Cavendish jotted down notes in her pad. I could feel my face burning. I really shouldn’t have spoken with such vulgarity. She probably thought I was a right pig.

The air in Dr Cavendish’s office was thick with unspoken tension. Sunlight streamed through the large window, catching the dust motes dancing in the air and illuminating the doctor’s figure. She was a vision, honestly. Forget the sterile white coats I’d imagined a shrink would wear. Dr Cavendish was draped in a figure-hugging, emerald green dress that managed to be both elegant and incredibly alluring. It was distracting, to say the least. I found it difficult to maintain eye contact, my gaze constantly drifting towards the subtle curve of her waist or the way the light played on her exposed collarbone.

“Right, Matty,” she began, her voice a smooth, melodic contralto that sent a shiver down my spine. “Last week, you were mentioning some…difficulties you’ve been having with your parents. Specifically, a lack of respect, as I recall?”

I shifted uncomfortably in the plush armchair, trying to focus on her words and not the way her dress seemed to cling to every contour. “Yeah, well, it’s like, all I’m saying is… it’s hard to respect my dad, you know? He’s a right layabout. And sometimes, it feels even harder to respect Mum for staying with him. She deserves better.” The words tumbled out, laced with frustration and a hint of shame.

Dr Cavendish leaned forward slightly, her eyes, a startling shade of blue, fixed on mine. “Matty, you know that everything we discuss within these four walls remains confidential. It does you no good to be dishonest in here. Transparency is key to progress. So, I’m going to ask you a question, and I want you to really think about staying honest, even if it’s uncomfortable. Unashamed, if you can manage it. Alright?”

I swallowed hard, my throat suddenly dry. “Alright,” I mumbled, bracing myself.

Her gaze intensified. “Have you been going through your mother’s knicker drawer?”

The question hit me like a physical blow. My cheeks flushed crimson, and I stammered, “What? No! That’s… that’s ridiculous!” I was genuinely mortified, the image of Dr Cavendish judging me for such a transgression burned in my mind.

She remained unfazed, a slight smile playing on her lips. “Matty, it’s not abnormal, you know. Sons experiencing a certain curiosity towards their mothers’ sexuality is hardly a groundbreaking concept. It’s often a part of exploring one’s own sexuality.”

I felt utterly trapped, cornered by my own tangled web of anxieties and desires. I knew she wouldn’t let it go. “Fine,” I muttered, the word barely audible.

“Fine… as in you…?” she prompted gently, her voice laced with a hint of amusement.

“Yes!” I snapped, unable to meet her gaze. “Happy now? Is that what you wanted to hear?”

“Why don’t you tell me what you were thinking about the first time you went through your mum’s… undergarments?”

I sighed, defeated. There was no point in trying to deflect her. Once Dr Cavendish latched onto something, she was like a terrier with a bone. “I was just curious, alright? I wanted to see what I’d find.”

“And what were you looking for, Matty?”

I hesitated, my shame deepening. “Something… something sexy. Lingerie, or… you know, sex toys, or something.”

She waited patiently, her eyes unwavering. “And did you find what you were looking for?”

After a long, torturous moment, I mumbled, “Yes.”

“Matty,” she said softly, her voice devoid of judgment. “There is no shame in this room. I am not judging you, not in the slightest. You shouldn’t judge yourself either. This is an opportunity for us to open a box in your mind, one that has been previously hidden and locked away. Perhaps, in doing so, we can find some answers to who you are and why. Tell me what you found.”

I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself. “I found a dildo and a vibrator… some lubricant.”

“And what did you think about that? That must have been an interesting side of your mum to be revealed to you.”

“I was happy,” I admitted, the word hanging in the air.

Dr Cavendish tilted her head slightly, her expression thoughtful. “Why happy, Matty?”

“I don’t know,” I said, my voice barely a whisper. “I guess I was happy to know that she… she pleasures herself. Because I know Dad doesn’t. Not really.”

“What did you do next?”

“Nothing,” I insisted, desperate to change the subject.

“Matty…” Her tone was gentle but firm, a clear indication that she wasn’t buying it.

“What!?” I snapped again, my frustration boiling over. “What do you want to know? Do you want to know that I grabbed her dirty knickers and sniffed them while I… while I pleasured myself? That I sucked on her toys, trying to taste any… any of her left on them? Is that what you want to hear? Jesus Christ! Why are we even talking about this?”

Dr Cavendish remained calm, her gaze steady. “Is that what you did, Matty?”

A long, agonizing pause stretched between us. My heart pounded in my chest, and sweat prickled my skin.

“Yes!” I huffed, finally admitting the truth. The floodgates were open now, and there was no stopping the torrent.

“And were you fantasising while you masturbated with her toys and knickers? If so, what about?”

“I don’t know,” I said, my head hung low, shame washing over me. “Her, I guess.”

Dr Cavendish nodded slowly. “Matty, last month we discussed how you enjoy pornography. I want to ask if any of the porn you watch is incest-related, or perhaps features women who remind you of your mother?”

I hesitated again, fear gripping me. “Maybe…”

“Which, Matty? Which is it?”

“Both,” I confessed, the word a painful whisper. “I found a woman who looks just like Mum, who does a lot of… incest porn.”

“And how often are you turning to that style of pornography when you are masturbating?”

The truth hung heavy in the air, a confession that felt both liberating and deeply disturbing. “Every time…”

The scent of lilies hung heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing inside me. Dr Cavendish, perched on the edge of her plush velvet chair, crossed her elegant legs, the silk of her dress whispering with the movement. God, she was stunning. Crimson dress, hair perfectly coiffed, it was hard to concentrate. I couldn’t help but let my gaze linger a moment too long.

“Right then, Matty,” she began, her voice a melodious hum that somehow managed to be both soothing and sharp at the same time. “Let’s steer this ship towards the rather obvious iceberg looming in front of us, shall we? Tell me, do you think perhaps some of your… dislike for your father might stem from a touch of jealousy? A yearning, perhaps, for your mother? A physical, emotional connection that you feel he isn’t… appreciating in the way you think he should?”

I sat there, dumbstruck, the blood rushing to my cheeks. How had I ended up here, confessing my darkest secret to this… this vision? It wasn’t a new thought, this desire, this twisted yearning for my mother, but it was a secret I guarded with a ferocity that bordered on paranoia. Now, here I was, practically screaming it from the rooftops of Dr Cavendish’s pristine office.

“There’s no point in lying, is there?” I mumbled, shame coiling in my gut like a venomous snake. “Does that make me a monster? A pervert? Wanting to… you know… with my mum? What the bloody hell am I supposed to do?”

Dr Cavendish remained unfazed, her expression calm and professional, though I thought I detected a hint of something else in her eyes. Pity? Curiosity? I couldn’t tell.

“Absolutely not, Matty. It does not make you a monster. It does not make you a pervert. You’re just one of countless men throughout history who have felt a similar pull. Ever heard of Oedipus Rex? The desire for the mother figure is practically baked into the human psyche. Perhaps it manifests more graphically in this day and age, with the abundance of pornography, but the root of the desire is the same. Think about it, Matty. You spent nine months inside your mother. Years at her breast, drawing life and comfort. It’s perfectly understandable that your mind might, at some point, wander down that path. You are not a freak.”

“Really?” I blurted out, genuinely surprised. It was as if she were defending me, taking the side of the monstrous impulse I’d always believed was a personal demon.

“Really,” she confirmed, a slight smile playing on her lips. “The human mind is a complicated thing, Matty. We are all driven by desires that don’t always make sense.”

“So, what do I do about it?” I asked, desperation creeping into my voice. “How do I make it stop?”

Dr Cavendish steepled her fingers, her gaze unwavering. “Well, in my experience, there are essentially three paths one can take. The first, and most common, is to simply do nothing. You focus on strengthening your bond with your father, work on letting go of this animosity, and strive to build a healthy relationship with both your parents. You acknowledge the existence of this… fantasy, perhaps find other outlets to scratch that itch when necessary – pornography, role-playing with a partner, whatever works for you.

“The second path involves treating it like any other addiction. You purge pornography from your life, consciously retraining yourself to see your mother in a different light, slowly and with deliberate effort. You distract yourself from these thoughts by seeking out other women, cultivating new desires. It would take years to reach a point where you no longer think of her in that way, but it is certainly possible.

“And then,” she paused, her eyes gleaming with intelligence, “there’s the third path. The one I’ve observed to be the most effective, albeit the most daunting. You sit your mother down and you tell her everything. You tell her how you feel, what you’ve thought, your fantasies, your obsessions. You lay it all bare, and the two of you work through it together. Nothing will help you move past this faster than honesty and openness. Lifting that weight of secrecy and guilt from your shoulders will allow you to breathe, to heal.”

“Tell Mum?!” I exclaimed, aghast. “Are you serious? She’ll think I’m completely mental!”

“I highly doubt she will,” Dr Cavendish said, her voice firm. “Your mother loves you, Matty. She cares for you deeply. It will be a difficult conversation, undoubtedly, but I promise you it will be incredibly liberating. Imagine the relief of no longer having to carry that burden alone.”

She glanced at her watch, a delicate piece of jewellery that glittered in the afternoon light, and then closed the folder on her lap with a decisive snap.

“Well, Matty, that’s our time for today. This has been a truly productive session. I’m immensely proud of you for opening up like this. I believe you’ve made a significant breakthrough today. Take some time to process everything we’ve discussed, and I’ll see you next week, where we can pick up where we left off.”

As I stood to leave, feeling a strange mixture of dread and relief swirling within me, Dr Cavendish offered a small, enigmatic smile. “Remember, Matty,” she said softly, “honesty is the best policy. Even when it’s terrifying.”

As I shut the door behind me, I knew I had a lot to think about. Telling my mum? It seemed utterly insane. But the thought of continuing to live with this secret, this dark desire gnawing at my insides, was almost unbearable. Maybe, just maybe, Dr Cavendish was right. Maybe the only way out was through. And maybe, just maybe, I was starting to trust this elegant, enigmatic woman with the power to guide me. Even if she was rather distracting.

I slumped onto the steps of the brownstone, a right mess of emotions swirling inside me. It was like a washing machine set to high, spinning me around until I couldn’t tell up from down. Part of me felt lighter, having finally confessed that secret out loud. But the other part, the bigger, louder part, was bricking it. Dr Cavendish’s suggestion was echoing in my head. Tell Mum? About all of this? Should I even consider it? And why, for God’s sake, why?

Just then, Mum’s silver BMW purred to a halt at the kerb. The passenger window whirred down, and her face, framed by her blonde hair, appeared.

“Hey, love!” she called out, a bright smile plastered on her face.

I forced a weak smile in return, grabbed my bag, and awkwardly clambered into the car. As we pulled away from the kerb, I couldn’t help but glance at her. Bloody hell, she was stunning. Dr Cavendish, in her elegant figure-hugging dress, had distracted me from everything, but now it was like I was seeing Mum for the first time.

“How did it go?” she asked, her eyes flitting over to me before returning to the road.

We launched into our usual chit-chat about the day – her work, the traffic, some neighbour’s gossiping – but I was miles away, lost in a fog of thoughts. Normally, this car ride was a simmering pot of resentment, a silent battleground where I mentally catalogued all my grievances against her and Dad. But today, the thoughts were different, more… carnal. It felt like today’s session with Dr Cavendish had somehow amplified this unwanted lust, turning up the volume on desires I desperately wanted to ignore.

The air conditioning was blasting, making her wispy blonde hair dance around her ears and over her shoulders. Her perfume, a sweet, intoxicating blend, filled the car, conjuring memories of being enveloped in her soft arms. I couldn’t help but notice the tiny beads of sweat glistening on her chest, disappearing into the swell of her ample cleavage. She had a knack for wearing clothes that both clung to her form and seemed to barely touch her, as if there was no barrier at all.

We pulled into the driveway, and I practically leaped out of the car, desperate to escape the claustrophobic confines and my own traitorous thoughts. I bolted up to my room, slamming the door shut behind me. I hated to admit it, even to myself, but the only thing I could think of to quiet the storm raging in my head was to wank myself senseless.

I locked the door, cranked up the stereo, and plugged my headphones into my laptop. I brought up my favourite model, a sultry blonde with a knowing glint in her eyes, and clicked on one of her newer “mother and son” scenes. The taboo of it all, the sheer audacity, was a potent aphrodisiac. I reached under the bed for my bottle of lube, the cool plastic a familiar comfort in my trembling hand. Slowly, deliberately, I began to stroke myself, coaxing my cock to life.

It didn’t take long. I was consumed by the image on the screen, lost in the fantasy of forbidden pleasures. The model moaned and writhed, her body a canvas of desire. I squeezed the bottle of lube, coating my hand in the slippery gel. I didn’t even make it past the son sliding his cock into the mother for his first thrust before I erupted in a violent spasm.

My first rope of cum shot out and hit me square in the face, a warm, sticky mess that dribbled across my lips. The next few splattered on my chest, the last dribbling over my knuckles as I pumped out every last drop of pent-up frustration. I didn’t mind the taste of my own spunk; it was a strangely familiar, almost comforting flavour. Without thinking, I licked my lips, savoring the salty, metallic tang.

I grabbed a dirty shirt from the floor, wiping my face and chest with it. I wiped my hands clean, then tossed the shirt into the laundry basket across the room. I tucked my withering cock back into my shorts and collapsed onto the bed, exhausted and emotionally drained. The loud music faded into a dull hum as I slipped into a restless sleep, the images of the screen, and more disturbingly, the images of my mother swimming behind my eyelids.

The clock said nearly eight when I surfaced, all groggy and a bit thick-headed. I yanked a shirt over my chest – a bit sticky, if I was honest with myself – and headed downstairs.

“There you are, sleepyhead,” Mum chirped as I wandered into the kitchen. She was busy stirring something in a pan, getting dinner sorted.

“Where’s everyone?” I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

“Well, your sister’s staying at Annie’s tonight, and your brother’s likely kipping at Garrett’s after a night glued to the telly playing video games. Dad’s still in Phoenix, won’t be back ’til Monday morning. So, looks like it’s just you and me this Friday night! What do you say we order some pud after dinner and stick a film on?”

“Sounds alright,” I mumbled.

My siblings were always out and about with their mates. Me? I was more of a loner, happiest in my own company. So, a Friday night in with Mum wasn’t exactly a surprise.

We had dinner – bangers and mash, a proper comfort meal – and then tag-teamed the washing up. Mum went off to get changed, reappearing in her pyjamas. They were those flimsy little cotton shorts and a button-down top, not exactly doing much to hide the fact that her nipples were practically poking holes through the fabric in the cool air. We picked out a film – something daft, a rom-com I think – and settled onto the sofa.

“Come on, Matty, just for once, come be my little baby and cuddle up with your Mum,” she said, all pleading eyes.

“Mum… just put the film on, yeah?” I mumbled, trying to avoid eye contact.

“Fine, then I’ll come to you!”

She got up and plonked herself down next to me, snuggling in close. I tried my best to concentrate on the film, but every little shift she made sent her… well, they were quite prominent, bouncing seductively. I was just about managing to hold it together, until she decided to lie down and rest her head in my lap.

I looked down at her. Her chest was all…squashed together as she lay on her side, and her pyjama shorts had ridden up, giving me a rather good view of her arse cheeks. I started to panic. I could feel something stirring, a twitch at first, then a full-blown… well, you know. I tried everything to distract myself, to tell myself it wasn’t happening, but the more I tried, the worse it got. It was throbbing, like a bloody pneumatic drill. I could practically feel every cell of blood, pumping and pushing, banging against some invisible wall. And there was no hiding it, not anymore. It was pressing, quite obviously, into the back of her head.

Before I could even think up an excuse to get up and scarper out of the room, she noticed something poking her. Reaching back, she went to shift whatever it was.

“Honey, could you move your arm…” she started, then stopped dead. The back of her hand had come into contact with something that she very quickly realised was her son’s fully erect penis.

She sat up sharpish.

“Oh… Matty,” she said, her voice all quiet.

“Fuck…” I blurted out. “I’m sorry!”

I shot up, ready to leg it upstairs and hide under the duvet.

“Baby, wait! It’s alright! It’s perfectly natural.” She grabbed my hand, pulling me back to the sofa. “You’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about. It’ll go away! Don’t even think about it.”

I sat back down on the couch and put a pillow over my crotch. She sat up next to me, visibly uncomfortable with the exchange she just had with her son, and now crossed her arms over her breasts, realizing how exposing her outfit was.

“Your mom probably shouldn’t be dressed so skimpy anyway” she laughed trying to break the ice. I chuckled nervously trying to help.

We sat in utter silence, not knowing what to say to each other. The movie kept on playing, but I didn’t register a single word of it. All I could think about was Dr Cavendish and her advice. I thought to myself, “maybe I should just come clean to her, like Dr Cavendish said to do.” The thought of that kind of admission coming out of my mouth started to make my heart pound hard. My stomach knotted up. Holy shit, was I actually going to do this? I honestly never thought I was this brave, because the next thing that came out of my mouth was,

“Mom, I need to talk to you about my therapy session today.” My voice cracked and I was visibly shaking.

“Oh baby, what’s wrong? You’re shaking!” She said as she gave up trying to hide her body behind her arms and got right up next to me and hugged me tight. “Baby, everything is ok! You don’t have to worry about anything. You can tell me anything.”

“I don’t know how to talk about this, but Dr Cavendish told me it was the best path forward.”

I could see my mom was eager and overjoyed at the possibility that therapy was finally working and that she was about to have a breakthrough with her son. She was not prepared, however, for what was about to come out of her son’s mouth.

“Dr Cavendish thinks…” I quivered. “She thinks that part of the reason why I push you away is that…” I paused.

“Baby, what is it?”

“She thinks part of the reason is because I…I have feelings for you.” Holy shit, I said it. “…feelings I can’t quite explain.”

She made a face, but I wasn’t sure what type of face it was, or what it was supposed to convey. It was confused, loving, concerned, nurturing all in one.

“What kind of feelings honey?”

“Like…sexual feelings” I barely got out, bowing my head in shame. But I went on. “And she thinks that I resent dad so much because I don’t think he treats you right, or knows how amazing he has it with you…and that maybe I take it out on you for putting up with him…and I’m thinking that she might be right about all that.”

She paused and put her hand over her heart, processing what she just heard. Her son has sexual feelings for her. She finally spoke.

“Baby…How long have you had these feelings?”

“A while I guess” I replied. “Sometimes it feels like I can’t help it when it comes into my head…and it makes me do things. Bad things.”

“What kind of bad things?” She asked as he took my hand in hers and locked eyes with me.

“I don’t want to say…mom I shouldn’t have said anything…I’m sorry” I pulled away and started to get up to leave. She pulled me back in.

“You can say baby. I won’t be mad. You can tell me anything.”

I sat there and looked at the ground, avoiding eye contact with her.

“I…I stole your panties…and I played with myself.”

She took this as an opportunity to brush this whole thing off and laughed.

“Oh honey” she giggled. “I didn’t know if it was you or your brother that took my panties, but I don’t care about that. That’s a normal thing for young men like you, all hopped up on hormones and sex drive all the time! Don’t beat yourself up about that. You are hardly the first son who went through his mom’s pantie drawer. I won’t tell if you don’t” she winked at me.

But she could tell that didn’t solve the problem. It was deeper than that, and that became clear to her quickly.

“Baby? Are you alright?”

I don’t know why, but I just kept on admitting. I figured Dr Cavendish knew what she was talking about, so I just kept unloading my guilt.

“I watch incest porn all the time…”

She looked at me, concerned.


“Yes. Moms and sons. It turns me on, and when I can just…finish…it helps me get the thoughts of you out of my head for a little bit.”

“Oh…” she uttered. “Honey, aren’t there girls in your class you’re pining over? I just assumed at your age, you’d be getting your sexual energy out that way, no?”

“I….I’m a virgin” I admitted, full of embarrassment.

“Oh. Baby, that’s ok. Mayb you just need to find a nice girl to get your mind off all this. And distract you from that kind of porn.”

“But I don’t want to find a girl” I said, quietly. “No one I have ever met makes me feel the way I do inside when I look at you. And so that porn is my only outlet, I think.”

We sat there together in silence. She didn’t know what to say, and I was terrified that I had just ruined any possibility of a relationship with my mom. Did I need to move out now? What the hell would I do? I’d have to just run off and change my name and start a new life! But then…

“Show me” she said.


“Show me what kinds of things you watch online. I want to know.”

She reached over to the coffee table and grabbed her iPad and opened up a web browser and handed it to me.

“Show me. Pull something up.”

“Mom…no” I tried.

“It’s ok, I’m not mad. I just want to see what you watch.”

“Are you serious? I can’t tell if I’m going to be in trouble for this. Please, I just wanted to talk to you…”

“Baby, you are not in trouble” she rested her hand on my thigh. “If this is something you’ve been going through, I want to try and understand and help you through it. Just show me what you mean when you say you watch moms and sons.”

I grabbed the iPad and nervously typed in a website. It populated the screen with dozens of thumbnails of all types of graphic incest porn. Moms and sons. Dads and daughters. Brothers and sisters. I typed in the name of my favourite model and pulled up her video titled, ‘Fucking my son on a family camping trip’. I looked at mom, one last time for approval. She nodded.

The video started and my mom was sitting close enough to me that our bodies were touching. We both shared the iPad and watched. I didn’t know if I was in trouble or what was happening, but I was nervous.

‘Son…it’s so cold out here and your dad is snoring in our tent…can I come sleep in here with you?…let’s share a sleeping bag so we can get warm’

‘Do you care if I sleep in the nude? It’s just more comfortable for me’

‘Baby, something’s poking me down there…oh…do we need to do something about that?’

The mom starts rubbing and playing with the son’s cock and before long, she’s sucking his cock and he’s licking her pussy. He really goes to town on her, licking her and fingering her, working her up, making her moan, until she screams and erupts her female orgasm all over the sleeping bag.

“Oh my…” mom said, putting her hand to her mouth.

“I’m sorry…”

“No, no baby. Don’t be sorry. I asked to see.”

The video continued. Mom adjusted her body to get more comfortable, but it seemed like she was squirming almost to a point of becoming turned on herself. I, meanwhile, kept the pillow firmly on my cock, as it was yet again, rock hard. I never thought I’d tell my mom about any of these thoughts, let alone watch incest porn with her! Eventually the mom climbs on top of her son and fucks him. I had forgotten how raunchy this video was because before I knew it, she lifts off her son’s cock and starts drenching him with piss…first on his cock, then spraying his face and chest before going back to fucking each other. I noticed mom slide her hand into her blouse and gently rub her chest, seemingly subconsciously.

‘Oh baby…cum in me…breed me…make me another son…your son…AND your brother’

‘Are you sure mom? Won’t dad find out?’

‘Fuck me baby! Just cum in me!’

The son fills his mom up with cum as they both moan. She climbs off of his cock and sits with her legs spread. His creampie starts to drip out of her wet pussy.

‘Come clean up your mess son’

He then gets between her legs and licks up his own creampie as she gets off yet again on his tongue, cumin in his face. She then lays on top of him, kissing him and playing with the cum he’s scooped into his mouth. As the video wraps up, she tells him,

‘This is our little secret ok? No telling dad.’

Mom and I sat there, quietly, for a moment before mom broke the silence and said,

“Wow…so this is what you fantasize about?”

“Well…” I choke, not knowing how to respond.

“It’s ok! I just…never realized you looked at me that way. Honestly, I’m surprised anyone would fantasize about me like that, let alone my own son.”

She paused.

“Mat, I don’t want you watching any more porn like this, ok?” She stood up. I was in a lot of trouble, I thought to myself. She stood there, lost in thought, not saying anything. I was waiting for the punishment to come, when… “This kind of porn isn’t healthy. So… when you feel like you need to watch these kinds of videos, I want you to come tell me, and I’ll help you get past the urge.”

“How…?” I asked, confused where this was headed.

“Well…” she started, her eyes pacing all over the room wondering if she could really say what she was about to say. “Well, you can relieve your…urges…with me. That way I know you’re not on these sites. And hopefully…after a while you won’t want to go to them any more.”

“Mom!” I said. “I can’t jerk off in front of you! What??”

“Well…” she struggled, and I could tell her stomach was going through its own knots as she pieced this all together in real time. “It’s either that, or…I take away your devices and you won’t be able to watch anything.”

Something was happening in this moment, and it confused me. I couldn’t tell if she was mad, or if in fact, she was telling me she would let me replace my online incest fantasy models with…her?

“Do you have these urges now?” She asked.

“You mean…do I need to jerk off?”

She nodded, uncomfortably.

“I guess so, yeah. I mean…I’m still pretty hard.”

“Let me see.”


“Move the pillow, let me see.”

I sat there and we both just looked at each other. What the fuck was happening? I didn’t fight it. I slowly moved the pillow to the side, revealing my sizeable bulge.

“Slide your shorts down.”

I did as I was told. Mom stood over me, backlit in the dark room by the glowing TV, while I slid my gym shorts and boxers down to my ankles. My cock sprang from its prison and stood magnificently at attention in front of the one woman it so longed to penetrate. I saw mom’s eyes widen. Was this really happening? And if so…what was going to happen? I sat there, fully exposed, and waited for my next instruction.

“Go ahead” she said. “You can relieve yourself.”

“Just…right here? While you stand there watching?”

“Look baby, I’m trying my best to understand this and be supportive. Would this not help? Is this not what you want?”

“What do you mean?”

“…to get off in front of your mother? Maybe once it’s out of your system, you’ll feel better about all this?”

I looked at her, not sure what to do. She looked at me with an equal mixture of love and concern in her eyes. Somehow, I thought, this was not what Dr Cavendish had meant when she said to ‘work it out together’. I slowly grasped my cock in my right hand and slowly began to stroke it. My slow strokes slowly got more deliberate, and before long I was fully rubbing my cock while my mom stood over me and watched. It was painfully awkward. I rubbed and I rubbed, while we looked at each other and she stood there with her arms crossed, not knowing what to do or what to say. It felt odd, but also wildly exhilarating to be performing in front of her. After some time, she asked,

“Would it help if maybe…I…gave you more of an R-rated view?”

“Ok…” the word barely made any sound as it exited my mouth. I couldn’t believe what she was offering.

She uncrossed her arms and started to slowly unbutton her pj top. Down she went, button by button, until her blouse fell open and her massive, natural breasts gave a gentle bounce as they rested into place above her stomach. I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. I’d spied on mom changing and seen her breasts before, but never this unobstructed and up close. They were impeccable. Perfect didn’t come close to describing them. Her areolas, made slightly larger from her days of breastfeeding three children, were a dark crimson covered in bumps and surrounding the most succulent looking nipples you ever saw. I actually felt my mouth water as I looked at them, wishing I could latch onto them and drink from her once again.

“Is this better?” She asked, innocently. It was as if she completely shed the role of authority over me, and had taken on this new role of subservient nurturer who would do anything to make her baby happy. It felt as though I had taken some control in the relationship. I got bold.

“Can you play with your nipples?” I asked. Where the balls to utter those words came from, I’ll never know.

She didn’t wait to respond. She began gently rolling and pulling at her large nipples, dropping her tits down against her body after each pull. They’d bounce and almost mesmerize me as I sat there stroking my erection. As I was living in the clouds and completely lost in how insanely wild this was, a thought occurred to me that pulled me back down to Earth. I stop stroking myself.

“What’s wrong?” Mom asked.

“I just…this feels strange.”

“Well…” she laughed. “It is a bit strange. But I thought maybe you’d like it? You don’t? We should stop.” She pulled her top back over her breasts and threw her face in her hand. “What was I thinking?”

“No, no, no” I stopped her. “It’s not that. I like it. I just…I feel weird…like I’m perving out on someone. It just feels…” I stopped.

“What, honey?”

“Do you think, maybe, you could get off too? That way I won’t feel so awkward. I don’t know…you standing there for me to look at, it just feels like I’m violating you.”

“Oh baby…” she said, letting her arms loose and releasing her breasts again. “You’re not violating me at all. I want to do whatever will help you overcome this. If that’s what you need…I suppose that would be ok.”

She sat on the couch opposite me and we adjusted to both sit up against the arms of the couch and face each other. I started to slowly stroke my cock again while she very reluctantly began sliding down her pj bottoms. And there it was… In the glow of the television, my mom spread her legs open and I saw my first glimpse – up close – of her pussy. She had a full, blonde bush. Her lips were as silky white as her skin, with a contrast of glistening, wet pink throughout.

“Is this ok? Is it too much?” She asked.

“It’s fucking amazing mom.”

She slowly lowered her hand down to her crotch, but then stopped before she got to her wet pussy lips.

“Honey…” she started. “Can I trust that this stays between you and me? Your siblings and your father can never know about this. No one can know about this. Not even Dr Cavendish. Ok?”

“I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”

She lowered her hand down further and I watched her gently cup her pussy in her palm. Her lower lip was trembling and I could tell she was completely and utterly unsure of what she was doing and unsettled by the reality that she had very clearly gone too far. As she sat there, contemplating if she should really do what she was about to do, I distracted her by beginning to stroke my cock once again. She locked eyes on my thick and throbbing cock and unconsciously began slowly rubbing her pussy.

“Mom…you’re so hot.”

“Baby…” she replied, sheepishly.

Then, she separated her pink lips apart and slowly slid her middle finger inside her vagina. She moaned gently as she began fucking herself back and forth, watching her son admiring her and stroking his cock. She couldn’t help but think about how she used to hold little naked Matty, and kiss his boo-boos and tuck him into bed. And now…she was watching her boy play with his massive cock while she masturbated for him. This was so wrong, she thought, but it’s what he needs.

I started playing with my balls and tickling my taint while mom switched from fucking herself with her finger, to aggressively rubbing her clit.

“Oh, fuck baby!” She let out loudly as she worked herself towards an orgasm.

I stood up slowly and walked over to mom. Our eyes never left each other’s gaze.

“Baby, what are you doing?” She asked.

I said nothing. I just stood over her and watched her playing with her pussy while I continued to stroke my cock right in front of her face. She looked up at my cock and I saw her bite her lower lip. I could tell this was the most sex she’d had in ages, and I wasn’t even touching her….yet. I reached out my left hand and cupped mom’s cheek in it.

“Matty…” she said, almost as if to say ‘stop’, but not knowing how.

I stayed put, sensually stroking her cheek with my thumb, rubbing my dick up and down inches in front of her longing eyes. I put all reservations aside and decided to do something I’d been fantasizing about for some time. I slid my hand down mom’s cheek, across her neck, and down to her breast. Mom’s eyes widened, but no protest left her lips. I kept on going until my palm slid over her erect nipple and my hand fully grasped her left breast. I kept stroking while I massaged and explored the feeling of my mom’s massive tit. I didn’t stop there. I adjusted my hand so that her large nipple fumbled its way between my fingers and I started to lightly pinch and roll and pull her nipple which made her squirm and moan. I noticed her hand had stopped rotating around her clit and she had moved back to vigorously fingering herself – this time with what looked like three of her fingers. She looked like she was working hard…too hard. So I stopped playing with her breasts and slowly reached further south. I rests my hand on top of mom’s as she was fucking herself with it. She stopped and looked at me. I looked down at her, the only thing between our eyeline being my cock which I continued to stroke in her face. I pulled her hand aside and set it on her lap. With my hand, I slowly slid my fingers through her soft bush, ultimately down to her incredibly wet pussy. The feeling of her warm, wet skin almost made me explode all over mom’s face. I huffed as I stopped stroking and gripped the tip of my cock as if to cut off the hose.

“Fuck mom…this is hot.”

“Baby, don’t you think this is taking it a little too far?”

I didn’t answer, and I didn’t wait to have a conversation about it. I began swirling my fingers around her wet clit, which was full of blood and as erect as could be. She tilted her head back and moaned, bringing her hands up to her breasts and playing with her nipples. It didn’t take long for me to continue further south and slide my finger into my mom for the very first time. The feeling of her tight, wet vaginal wall gripping my finger was incredible. I couldn’t believe what was happening. She just sat there, playing with her breasts and moaning along, letting me start to finger fuck her. At some point, I got so into what I was doing down there, that I didn’t even notice myself let go of my cock. It fell onto mom’s face, hitting her on the nose and then bouncing down to her lips. I wanted to quickly apologize, but thought better of it…let it be…see what happens.

I picked up my pace, taking turns between playing with mom’s g-spot and tickling her clit. All of a sudden, I felt movement on the head of my cock and looked down to see mom slowly starting to open her mouth and allow my cock to fall into it. Holy shit, I thought to myself, is she really going to blow me? I got the answer to that question immediately. Once the head of my cock landed on her tongue, she latched onto it hard, bringing her hand up to my shaft and pulling herself down onto it. The sight of her scared, reluctant, horny little face looking up at me, almost as if for approval, sent me over the edge. I felt her pussy tense up, and I took that as a queue that I was in the right place. I finger fucked mom as well I as I knew how to do – mostly just from what I’d seen in porn. As I pushed her harder and harder, she sucked deeper and deeper and the warmth of her mouth and the feel of her tongue sliding around on the underside of my cock, licking every nerve ending I had, sent us both over the edge.

She convulsed and arched her back and I felt a flood of fluid begin to gush out of her. Each pull of my fingers sprayed another splash of her cum across the couch cushion, drenching it in what was becoming a pretty sizable puddle. Her moans and screams were only muffled by my cock taking up the entire space of her mouth. The sight sent an urge of weakness through my body causing me to buckle my knees. What came next was the most forceful ejactualtion I think I ever had. Rope after rope of hot, white cum shot out of me, splashing into the back of my mom’s throat. Her cheeks filled up quickly and she choked as gobs of cum drooled out of the side of her mouth. She looked up at me, eyes wide, as she forced herself to swallow the pool of cum I had just inserted into her mouth. She caught her breath while holding my cock and licking up any last drops of cum that were trickling out, proud of her work.

“Mom…” I started, not knowing how to express my feelings or my gratitude to her. She cut me off.

“Go upstairs and clean off baby.” She stood up and wiped some globs of cum off her chin and licked her finger. “I love you.”

She kissed me on my mouth and I could taste my own cum on her lips. I couldn’t believe how nonchalant she was about what had just happened. She walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a towel and began cleaning the mess we had made on the couch. She stopped and looked at me as if I had disobeyed her order.

“Go ahead” she said as she nodded up the stairs.

I didn’t know what to say, so I just did as I was told. I pulled my shorts back up and tucked my, still hard, cock back into my shorts and headed up to my room.


I closed the door behind me and made my way into the shower. I stood under the hot water staring into the void, lost in thought. Did that really just happen? I thought that the best case scenario to me telling my mom this secret would be that she’d tell me it’s natural and we’d move on. Worst case scenario, she’d never talk to me again and I’d become an outcast in the family. But never in a million years did I think she would suck the cum out of me while I made her squirt all over the couch!

I got out of the shower and made my way into bed. There was absolutely zero chance that I was going to sleep tonight. My mind was running wild. What would I say when I saw mom tomorrow morning? Would there be a world where my siblings would find out? Or dad? Then I thought, was this a one time event? Or would I be able to ask her to do this again? Before I knew it, it was about 2AM. Hours had passed and I had just been laying there, eyes wide open, lost in thought. All that time thinking about tonight’s affair with mom resulted in only one thing…my massive erection was back. I thought about pulling out my laptop, pulling up something naughty and getting off, but then the obvious alternative occurred to me.

I got out of bed, butt naked, and walked down the hall to mom and dad’s room. Her door was open just a crack, and as I got closer, I made out a faint and familiar sound coming from in the room. The lights were off, but it was a full moon, and the moonlight cast fairly bright streaks of faded blue across the bedroom. I pushed the door open only so slightly and looked inside. Mom was laying on the bed naked with her legs spread eagle. She was slowly and gently fucking herself with her dildo – the very same one that I had sucked on just days ago. She had her iPad propped up next to her in bed and she was watching what sounded like porn. As I continued to spy on her, it became clear what she was watching.

‘You see that honey? You see how much bigger our son is than you, you fucking pathetic little bitch. You see how much better our son can fuck me than you ever could?’

Holy shit…mom was watching incest porn. Not just incest porn, cuckold incest porn. Was she imagining humiliating dad with me? I hoped so.

‘Mom is mine now, dad. You can never touch her again. You just have to sit there and watch the real man of the house pleasure your wife. You like that mom?’

‘Fuck yes son. Fuck me! Make me cum in front of your father. Fill me up!’

I opened the door fully and quietly walked towards mom. She noticed me as I made my way to the edge of her bed.

“Baby…” she said, startled, flipping her iPad over.

“No, it’s ok mom. Show me what you were watching.”

Without permission, I got into bed with mom and cuddled up next to her naked body. I rested my knee on her leg, poking my hard cock into her side, and laid my arm across her chest and grabbing one of her boobs. It was the x-rated version of “mom I had a bad dream…can I sleep with you?” She didn’t protest, and instead lifted the screen back to its propped up position and let the video continue. We laid there, me wrapped up in her, while we watched a cucked father sit in a corner while the son fucks his mom. It didn’t take long before I heard the squishing wet sounds of my mom continuing to fuck herself with that veiny rubber penis. I did what any son would do…I latched onto my mom’s nipple and began nursing away.

“Oh fuck…” mom mumbled.

I had struck a chord. I slid my hand down to her pussy and began gently playing with her clit while she fucked herself. Meanwhile, I sucked hard at her tit, rolling her nipple around my tongue and flicking it roughly and gently. She moaned and picked up her speed.

‘Mom, I’m cumming’ – the video continued.

‘Cum in me son!’

‘Are you on birth control?’

‘No, but I want it. Breed me son!’

Mom’s breath picked up as the son in the video began emptying his balls deep into his mom’s womb. The father sat in the corner and threw his face into his hands at the sight he was being forced to witness. Mom started getting rougher with his dildo.

“Harder…” she whispered to me, letting me know she wanted more on her clit. I obliged. Her moans grew louder.

‘Come over here and clean up your son’s cum you pathetic loser.’

‘Honey…I don’t want…’

‘Shut up and lick up this creampie’ the mom said as she shoved her husband’s face into her crotch. He licked up all of his son’s cum as it oozed out of her pussy.

“Oh my god!” Mom said. Seeing this clearly sent her over the edge. She threw her body into a very familiar convulsion, arching her back quickly, stopping her breath, and then letting everything out in a full body shake and twitch. She made herself cum right in front of me as I sucked at her nipple. She finally relaxed and found her breath, closing her eyes and setting the dildo beside her in the bed. I didn’t move a muscle. I just stayed latched onto her nipple and very gently and delicately sucked at it – almost as if to lull her to sleep.

“This is so wrong,” she said.

I got off her breast and looked up at her. She was staring wide-eyed at the ceiling.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“We really cannot be doing things like this Matty.”

“Why? I promise I won’t tell anyone.”

“It’s not just about people finding out. I know! You know! What’s going to happen in ten or twenty years when you have a family of your own and we’ll be together as a family and you’ll not look at me as your mom…but rather some woman you did these wildly inappropriate things with? What if you resent me for not being the responsible one and saying no?”

“Why would I resent you? Mom…I won’t!”

“I just thought that maybe if you could look at me and my body, it would be enough and you would have that image to work with as opposed to your porn. But then we went way too far downstairs, and now this? Now I’M watching your porn and we’re doing it again!”

I could tell she was having a hard time dealing with some pretty heavy emotions. Regret was eating at her, but I didn’t want it to.

“Mom…” I started. “Seeing you naked so that I could jerk off to the image of you was never going to solve what I have going on in my head.”

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“It’s just more than that. I know this makes no sense, and I know this isn’t realistic, but I….” I paused, realizing what I was about to say made no sense.

“You what?”

“…I…I want to be dad!” It sounded weird coming out of my mouth.

“You want to be dad?”

“Well…I want you. I want to be the one you cuddle up with every night. I want to be the one who takes you to Paris and Prague and Rome and travels the world with you and makes love to you in luxurious hotel rooms and eats chocolate covered strawberries off your body and drinks champagne and fine wine with you. I want to be the one who knows your body inside and out and who can give you what you deserve physically. I want to love you and hold you and kiss you and make you feel wanted.”

“Baby…” she said, a tear forming in the corner of her eye.

“I don’t want to ‘get off’ to you, mom. I want to give you what dad refuses to. I want to be the man you deserve in your life. And before yesterday, I just thought that was a sickness in my head that couldn’t possibly become a reality. But after last night…why can’t it be? Maybe it’s not that I am your husband and we announce it to the world…obviously…but maybe it’s that you and I change our relationship into something that brings us both fulfillment and joy…and do it secretly. And if I go off and have a family one day…who’s to say you and I can’t keep doing whatever it is we’ve done? Why can’t this just be a son who loves his mother in ways most sons never get to, and a mom who gets what she needs – not from her deadbeat husband or some random cock at the country club – but from her son who she loves and adores?”

It started with a kiss, a soft, lingering press of her lips against mine. I could feel the dampness of her tears on my cheek, a mixture of salt and something else, something raw and vulnerable. My confession from yesterday had clearly detonated something inside her, a carefully constructed dam holding back a torrent of emotion. I wasn’t arrogant enough to think she’d been secretly pining after me, more like she was desperate, desperate for someoneanyone, to look at her the way I did. She cupped my face in her hands then, deepening the kiss, searching.

“I love you, baby,” she whispered, her voice thick with tears.

“I love you too, Mum,” I replied, pulling back slightly, trying to stem the flow. “Don’t cry.”

“I’m sorry,” she choked out, pulling away from me slightly. “I just… I’m terrified I’ve made a terrible mistake, one I can’t undo. And the worst part is, I feel sick with how much I want to make that mistake again.”

“Then it’s not a mistake,” I said, trying to sound more confident than I felt. “Feel this.”

I took her hand, her fingers cool and trembling, and guided it downwards, to the throbbing heat straining against my pyjama bottoms. Her fingers tentatively closed around me, and I sucked in a sharp breath.

“Matty…” she breathed, her voice barely a whisper.

“Feel it, Mum. Do you feel how hard that is? Have you ever felt anything like this for you? I don’t care what anyone else thinks. I want you. And you deserve to have whatever you want.”

“Baby… I love you. So damn much. But you can’t… you can’t lose your virginity to me. Let alone, be with your mother. I mean, you came out of me… you know? It feels freaky. It feels wrong.”

“Then why does it feel so right?” I asked, pushing her buttons more as I tried to plead my case, “Why do I have to hand over my first time to some girl I’ll chat up for a bit, then drop out of my life forever? Why do I have to follow what everyone else does? What if giving it to you is what I want to do, Mum?”

She looked deep into my eyes, her own swimming with a mixture of desire and utter panic. Her gaze flickered downwards, lingering on the bulge straining against the fabric of my pyjamas. I could almost see her biting her lip, a tell-tale sign that she was seriously considering the unthinkable.

“Teach me, Mum,” I pleaded, my voice thick with desperation. “Just this once. Teach me, and then you can have me for the rest of your life, whenever you want. Show me how to make love to you… how to pleasure you… exactly how you like it.”

She pulled away abruptly, turning her back to me and getting out of bed.

“Fuck, I can’t believe I’m even considering this!” she exclaimed, pacing around the room, her words tumbling out in a rush. “What if someone finds out? What if your sister finds out? Dad would kill me!”

“No one will, Mum! I swear. I’d never tell a soul. It’ll be our secret.”

She continued pacing, her agitation palpable. She looked incredible, even in the throws of a moral dilemma. The moonlight streaming through the window cast a soft glow on her body, accentuating her curves. Her breasts swayed with each frantic step, and I found myself mesmerised, unable to look away. She ran her hands through her hair, pulling it away from her face as if trying to clear her head. Finally, she stopped and turned to face me, her expression a mixture of fear and longing. Her gorgeous body and naked, distracting every possible thought I was having.

“Matty…” she said, her voice barely a whisper.

“Mum…” I replied, my own voice equally hushed.

She stood there, frozen, for what felt like an eternity. I sat up in bed, pulling the covers down to reveal myself. I held myself in my hand, feeling the heat and the slickness of precum gathering at the tip. The moonlight danced on the glistening surface, making it look like a beacon in the darkness.

She let out a moan as she saw me, the wheels were turning. She was no longer just considering sleeping with her son, she was planning it.

The air in the room hung thick and heavy, charged with a tension that crackled like static. My own body felt like a live wire, thrumming with a desperate need that had been building for what felt like an eternity. Mum stood at the foot of the bed, a goddess sculpted from moonlight and shadow, and the sight of her naked form was doing anything but calming my already frayed nerves. A bead of precum traced a glistening path down the side of my cock as I waited, my breath caught in my throat.

“If we go through with this…” Her voice was barely a whisper, laced with a tremor that mirrored the one coursing through me. “You have to be sure, Matty. I mean absolutely certain that this is what you want. A quick fumble, a bit of fun… we could maybe brush that aside, pretend it never happened. But losing your virginity… to me? That’s a whole other universe. I couldn’t live with the guilt, knowing you might regret it later, resent me for the rest of your life. A blow job or a quick hand job is one thing but to actually fuck my pussy and cum inside me that’s…” She stopped, her words dying in the air.

I swallowed hard, willing myself to stay grounded amidst the whirlwind of emotions. “There’s no regret here, Mum. And there’s certainly no uncertainty. I’m the one pushing for this, remember? Not you.”

Silence descended again, thick and suffocating. I could practically hear the gears turning in her mind, the internal battle raging between reason and desire. After another couple of minutes, with her rooted to the spot and me still dripping with anticipation, I decided to press my advantage, to push her closer to the edge.

“Mum…?” I began, my voice rough with longing. “Come on. Show me how it’s done. Show me how you ride a cock.”

I watched her face, searching for any flicker of doubt, any hint of retreat. What I saw there was a complex cocktail of reluctance and raw, undeniable desire. God, she wanted this. More than I had ever imagined. It was etched into the lines around her eyes, in the way her hands clenched and unclenched at her sides. I’d always known she found me attractive, but I had never grasped the depth of her need, the aching emptiness that this encounter seemed to promise to fill.

She brought a hand to her mouth, her fingers tracing the outline of her lips. Her foot tapped an erratic rhythm against the floorboards, and I could see the faint but unmistakable trembling that now affected her entire body. The rational, responsible part of her was fighting a losing battle against something primal, something animalistic that had been simmering beneath the surface for far too long. I could see the pain flickering in her eyes, the conflict tearing her apart.

Then, with a suddenness that made me jump, she seemed to break. Her hand fell away from her mouth, and her shoulders slumped in a gesture of surrender.

“Oh, sod it,” she said, the words a barely audible sigh. She pushed herself away from the foot of the bed and climbed back onto the mattress, her movements strangely hesitant, as if she were afraid to commit fully.

She crawled towards me on her knees, her eyes never leaving mine, until she was straddling my lap. She lowered herself slowly, deliberately, her skin warm against mine, until her weight settled onto my thighs. I felt the head of my cock press against her pubic mound, sending a jolt of electricity through my entire being. My breath caught in my throat, and I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, trying to contain the explosion of sensation. I felt my precum ooze against her skin, a slick testament of my arousal.

She cupped my face in her hands, her touch surprisingly firm, and leaned forward to kiss me. It was a gentle, tentative kiss at first, a soft exploration of lips and teeth. But as the seconds stretched on, the kiss deepened, becoming more urgent, more demanding, a silent plea for connection.

She pulled back slightly, her eyes searching mine, her voice a husky whisper. “Are you sure you want this, Mat? Really sure? Are you sure you want your first time to be with your mum?”

The question hung in the air between us, a final test, a last chance for either of us to back down. But I knew, in that moment, that there was no turning back. Not for me, and not for her. We had crossed a line, a boundary that had seemed insurmountable just hours before. And now, standing on the other side, I knew that this was where we were meant to be.

I nodded, my gaze unwavering. “I’m sure, Mum. More sure than I’ve ever been about anything in my life.”

“Definitely,” I said, trying to sound more confident than I felt.

She kissed me again, and this time, there was a fire in it. It wasn’t just a peck, it was a proper kiss that made my toes curl. Our mouths opened, and our tongues met, swirling around each other in a way that sent shivers all the way down to my feet. I felt her start to move against me, her hips swaying in my lap, finding a rhythm all of their own. Before I knew it, she was grinding against me, a slow, teasing movement that made me catch my breath. It felt like we were made for each other, everything fitting together just right. Her warmth was intoxicating, and with each press, I felt myself getting closer and closer to the edge. She kept kissing me, deepening the connection, her hips moving faster now as I reached up to cup her breasts, teasing her nipples until they were hard and tight.

“Ready?” she asked, her voice a little breathless.

I just nodded, swallowing hard. I couldn’t quite believe this was really happening. She lifted herself up slightly, positioning herself perfectly, then paused.

“Bloody hell…” she said, a hint of frustration in her voice.

“What is it?” I asked, suddenly worried.

“Have you got any condoms kicking about in your room, by any chance?” she asked, still hovering above me.

“Erm… no,” I said, feeling my hopes plummet. This was it, wasn’t it? The end of the road.

“Sod it,” she said, and slowly, she lowered herself onto me. The sensation was incredible. It felt like she was wrapping around me, tight and warm, taking every inch of me inside. Her mouth had been heaven, but this… this was something else entirely. She moved slowly at first, taking her time as she settled back down on my lap. Once she was all the way on, she rested her arms on my chest.

“Cor, Matty,” she breathed, “you’re… the biggest I’ve ever had inside me.”

“Is that alright?” I asked, suddenly concerned. “Am I hurting you?”

“No, it’s… it’s a good thing.”

She leaned in and kissed me again, her tongue diving into my mouth as she started to rock her hips gently back and forth. The feeling of her moving against me, every nerve ending firing, was the best thing I’d ever felt. She picked up the pace, then pulled away to sit up straight, bouncing in my lap.

“Blimey,” was all I could manage to say.

“Matty… you’re perfect,” she said, her voice a little breathless. “You’re hitting all the right spots.”

Her breathing got faster as she bounced harder, higher. I watched her, captivated. The sight of her moving above me, her breasts bouncing, was amazing. It was the best thing I’d ever seen, combined with the most incredible feeling. She moaned as she rode me, harder and harder.

“Move with me,” she said. “When I move like this… you thrust into it like that…”

“Like this?” I asked, doing as she said.

“Yes! Like that!” she cried, a smile on her face.

She laughed and moaned at the same time, and I knew she was happy, maybe for the first time in a long time. I felt proud of myself, and I wanted to give her that feeling forever. She rode me for a while, but soon, I felt myself getting close to the edge.

“I’m going to cum, Mum,” I said.

“Not yet,” she begged, and stopped moving.

She sat still, smiling at me. We were both sweating now, and her hair was damp, falling across her face. She blew it away, giggling in the cutest way possible, then her smile turned a little mischievous. A slow smile spread across her face.

It all started innocently enough, a film night with my mum. One thing led to another, a bit too much wine, and suddenly we were… well, here. Naked, tangled in the sheets, and things had escalated beyond anything I could have possibly imagined.

“So,” she started, the word hanging in the air, thick with unspoken questions. “Those films… your, ahem, ‘personal projects’. Is it all just fantasy? Or are those things you actually… desire?”

I wasn’t entirely sure where she was going with this, but I knew I had to be honest. “I… I want it all, Mum,” I admitted, the words tumbling out before I could censor myself.

Without a moment’s hesitation, she pulled away, leaving me feeling suddenly exposed and vulnerable. She shifted her weight, planting her hands behind her, arching her back in a way that presented me with a… well, let’s just say a rather compelling view. I thought maybe she wanted me to move closer, to… you know. But before I could even form the intention, a warm, forceful stream erupted, hitting me square in the face.

“Blimey!” I exclaimed, momentarily stunned as a few droplets of her… well, her wee, splashed into my mouth. It was completely unexpected, utterly shocking, but… strangely arousing. “Bloody hell, Mum,” I managed, a grin spreading across my face. “You’re absolutely wicked.”

“Do you like that, darling?” she purred, emptying her bladder completely, making a right mess of the bed.

The stream subsided, leaving a warm, wet trail down my chest. Then, she delivered the next bombshell. “Eat me, sweetie.”

I didn’t need to be asked twice. Without a second of consideration, I leaned forward, her hips still raised, and began to devour her. I explored every crevice, every fold, my tongue tracing the delicate skin, delving deep within. I tasted her arousal, a potent mix of her own juices, all tasting surprisingly sweet, like some forbidden nectar.

“Oh, bugger me,” she groaned, her voice thick with pleasure. “That feels absolutely divine.”

“Mmm,” was all I could manage, my mouth full and busy. I let the last dribbles of her wee escape my lips as I focused on her clit, teasing it with my tongue. She writhed beneath me, moaning louder, then gripped my hair, pulling me back.

“I want more,” she breathed, her eyes gleaming with a raw hunger.

She lowered herself, straddling me, her feet planted firmly on either side of my hips. As she slid back onto me, it felt like she was taking every inch, stretching me to my limit. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me close, and began to move, bouncing up and down, grinding her hips against mine in a way that sent shivers down my spine.

“Ahh fuck, I can’t believe I am shagging my mum,” I said panted watching my cock sink in and out her cunt.

“Oh, Christ, fuck my aching cunt baby. Show mummy what you can do,” she cried, her voice reaching a fever pitch. “I’m cumin!”

And then, another wave of hot, wet ecstasy washed over me as she climaxed, her grip tightening, her body shaking with the force of it. It was too much, almost unbearable.

“Mum!” I gasped, surrendering to the overwhelming sensation, as I started to come myself, thrusting deeper and deeper inside her. “Oh, Mum…!”

“Cum for me, darling!” she urged, her voice barely a whisper. “Fill me up, sweetie!”

It was pure, unadulterated animal instinct. She rode me hard, her pussy contracting around me, milking every last drop of pleasure. I emptied myself inside her in a way I never thought possible. It was the most incredible orgasm of my life, a complete and utter surrender to the moment.

“Oh, God,” I managed, as the intensity began to fade, leaving me weak and breathless.

She collapsed forward, wrapping her arms around me, burying her face in my neck. As she did, her hips shifted, and my cock, almost spent, slipped partially out of her. She held me tight, kissing my neck, her breath hot against my skin.

“I love you, sweetheart,” she whispered. “So much.”

“I love you too, Mum,” I replied, a genuine wave of emotion washing over me. “Thank you.”

“No… thank you,” she murmured, pulling back slightly to look me in the eye. “That was… extraordinary.”

We lay there for a few moments, locked in each other’s arms, the tip of my cock still nestled inside her.

“Blimey, darling,” she said eventually, breaking the silence. “I don’t think I’ve ever come that much in my life. Nobody has ever… fucked me like that before.”

“Wow mum, I can’t believe you finally made me into a man. God your pussy felt amazing,” I said with my dick softening inside her.

“Sweetheart,” she murmured, breaking the silence once more, her fingers tracing idle patterns on my chest, “that was… I don’t even know the right words. Incredible? Life-changing?”

Her voice was soft, filled with a mixture of awe and a hint of lingering guilt, but there was a smile playing on her lips, a genuine, joyous smile.

“Yeah,” I replied, my voice still shaky from the intensity. “Incredible is one word for it.”

We shared a look, a deep, soulful connection that seemed to bind us closer than blood ever could. She leaned down, pressing her lips to mine in a gentle kiss, her hair cascading over us, a golden curtain in the moonlight.

“You’ve made me feel desired again, Mat,” she whispered against my lips. “Desired in a way I haven’t known for years. Not since… well, not since I can remember.”

I hugged her tighter, feeling a surge of pride and a strange sense of responsibility. “You are, Mum. You’re amazing. And beautiful. And bloody incredible.”

Her laugh was a soft, warm sound. “You’ll make some girl very happy one day,” she teased, but there was a pang of sadness there, a hint that she already knew this couldn’t be forever.

“Don’t need other girls,” I murmured, nuzzling against her neck. “You’re the only one I want.”

She sighed, her body shifting slightly, her warmth enveloping me. “Sweet talker,” she teased, but there was a catch in her voice. “We need to be careful, though. We can’t let your dad find out.”

“Wait… so we can do it again sometime,” my heart raced as she smirked.

“Maybe, let’s just say your dad doesn’t get the job done and wow, for your first time you sure gave my pussy a good seeing to,” she said laughing.

“Mum,” I ventured, my voice barely above a whisper, still trembling from the intensity of our shared climax. “Can we… do this again? When it’s just us?”

She lifted her head, her eyes locking onto mine, a mix of mirth and caution dancing in their depths. “Mat, love, we have to be bloody careful.” Her voice was a hushed murmur, yet it carried the weight of our reality. “We can’t let this become… normal. But yes, maybe… maybe we can find moments, when it’s safe.”

A thrill shot through me, the promise of future clandestine encounters fueling my already racing heart. “I’ll be the best kept secret you’ve ever had,” I vowed, my fingers tracing the curve of her spine, feeling the softness of her skin, the subtle shiver that ran through her.

She chuckled, the sound close to my ear, before leaning in for a tender kiss. “You already are, darling. My biggest, my best.” Her words were a caress, a promise wrapped in a warning.

We untangled slowly, the sensation of peeling apart almost as intimate as coming together. Mum, ever the nurturer, reached for tissues, cleaning the evidence of our union with a tenderness that belied the act. She paused, catching my gaze once more. “Next time, we’ll need to be more… prepared,” she said, a mischievous glint in her eye. “No more spur-of-the-moment messes, but wow you sure made a good mess inside your mum.”

I grinned, feeling a surge of anticipation. “I’ll sort something,” I promised, the thrill of our secret pact settling over me like a cloak. “Something just for us.”

“Next time,” Mum whispered, her voice tinged with anticipation and a hint of practicality, “we’ll need to be smarter, won’t we, love? No more surprise puddles on the bed. Maybe a towel or two, hmm?”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at her thoughtfulness, the everyday concern a stark contrast to the taboo we’d just indulged in. “Yeah, Mum. And maybe…maybe some champagne? Like in the videos?”

Her eyes sparkled in the dim light, a conspiratorial gleam dancing within them. “Champagne it is, darling. We’ll make it a proper affair, just us. But quiet now, can’t have the walls talking, can we?”

I nodded, the thrill of our secret pact sending a shiver down my spine. Lying entwined with her, I felt a sense of belonging, of being exactly where I should be, despite the unconventional route that led us here.

Her body shifted, the sticky, intimate connection between us breaking as she carefully rose off me. She moved with a grace I’d never appreciated before, the subtle curves of her form illuminated by the moonlight. “Let’s get cleaned up, then. And maybe… maybe a little cuddle, before we drift off?”

My heart swelled at the simple request, at the tenderness in her voice. “I’d love that, Mum. Would love a blowjob before sleep mum.”

We cleaned up and then got into bed, I was in my boxers and mum slept in her bra and knickers. We cuddled as she sighed.

“I can’t believe tonight, damn Mat,” her head on my chest with mine stroking her hair.

Mum’s head rested on my chest, her breathing a gentle rhythm against my skin. Each stroke of my hand through her hair brought a soft sigh of contentment, a mix of relief and something deeper, something that felt like a shared secret.

“Mat,” she whispered, breaking the comfortable silence, her voice tinged with a blend of affection and concern, “This… it can’t just be about the sex, love. You know that, right? We’ve crossed a line, and it’s not something we can just… erase.”

I nodded, feeling the gravity of her words. “I know, Mum. It’s more than that for me. Always has been.”

She turned slightly, her face now visible as she propped herself up on an elbow to look at me directly. “Promise me you’ll be careful, yeah? With your feelings, with how you see me. I’m your mum, first and foremost. This can’t change that.”

“I promise,” I assured her, meeting her gaze steadily. “You’ll always be my mum, no matter what. This… it’s just another way I love you.”

Her expression softened, relief washing over her features. “And I you, baby. More than you know.”

The night air was cool against our skin, the moonlight casting a silver glow over us. I pulled the covers up, cocooning us in a warmth that felt uniquely ours. “I’ll always protect us, Mum. Our secret is safe with me.”

She nestled back into her spot, her body moulding against mine. “Good boy,” she murmured, a hint of her usual motherly tone mixing with the affection of our newfound bond. “Now, let’s sleep. Tomorrow, it’s back to the world, but for tonight, let’s just… be.”

“I wish I could sleep I am really… hard if you get me. I think you been so close to me, mmmm,” I moaned as I felt her hand go to my crotch.

“Mum,” I breathed, my voice low and urgent, as her hand encircled my arousal, feeling the heat and hardness in her grasp. “You’ve no idea what you do to me.”

She chuckled softly, a sound filled with warmth and a hint of the devil. “I think I do, darling,” she whispered back, her touch deliberate, guiding my cock in a slow, tantalizing stroke. “And since you’re so… eager, let’s make sure you’re settled before sleep, hmm?”

My mother’s hand slid under the covers, her fingers wrapping around my aching cock, stroking it gently. I gasped, my body arching into her touch. She smiled, a wicked gleam in her eyes, as she pumped me slowly, her grip firm and steady.

“Oh, fuck, Mum,” I moaned, my hips rocking in time with her hand. “That feels incredible.”

“Shh,” she whispered, leaning in to press a soft kiss to my lips. “Maybe you should put it back inside me, would you like that. I rather you make a mess inside me than the bed covers. Let me lay down, get on me when your ready honey.”

She rolled onto her back, spreading her legs wide, her knickers still on but pulled to the side, exposing her glistening pussy. I knelt between her thighs, my cock throbbing with need. I pushed her knickers aside and guided myself to her entrance. She was so wet, I slid in easily, filling her completely.

“Oh, fuck yes,” she moaned, wrapping her legs around my waist. “Fuck me, baby. Make me yours again.”

I began to thrust, slowly at first, savouring the feel of her tight warmth enveloping me. But soon, I was pounding into her, our bodies slapping together, the sound of our fucking filling the room. She cried out, her nails digging into my back, urging me on.

“Harder, Mat!” she begged. “Fuck me harder, screw mummy mmm ummm harder. Do you wanna try a much… ahh better position to really deep fuck your mum.”

“Mum,” I whispered, my breath ragged with desire and a hint of disbelief at the rawness of our conversation. “I want to see all of you, completely.”

She nodded, a silent agreement passing between us, and with a swift movement, her knickers were off, tossed aside to the floor. The sight of her, completely bare and open for me, was breathtaking. I positioned myself at her entrance once more, this time angling differently, aiming to go deeper, to feel more of her.

“Like this, Mum,” I groaned, adjusting my angle so I could thrust more deeply, hitting that sweet spot that made her gasp.

“Oh Mat, yes!” she cried out, her voice a blend of pleasure and encouragement. “That’s it… You’re hitting it perfectly.”

Her hands found my hips, guiding me, urging me deeper. “Let’s try… let’s do it doggy style, so you can really… fill me up,” she murmured, her voice husky with need.

We shifted, Mum turning over on her hands and knees. The sight of her, presenting herself to me like this, was almost too much. I entered her from behind, the angle allowing me to plunge deeper, each thrust making her moan louder. The sound of our skin slapping, the wet squelching of my cock sliding in and out of her tight, slick cunt, filled the room, mingling with our heavy breathing.

“That’s it!” she encouraged, her voice a mix of command and ecstasy. “Pound your mum’s pussy, show me how much you want me. Yes… baby, rub my clit while you fuck me.”

I reached around, finding her clit, and began rubbing it in tight, fast circles as I fucked her. She writhed beneath me, moaning and gasping, her body trembling with the force of her orgasm.

“Oh, fuck, I’m coming!” she screamed, her voice echoing off the walls. “Don’t stop, Mat! Make me come on your big cock!”

I kept thrusting, kept rubbing, feeling her pussy clench around me as she came, her juices gushing out and dripping down her thighs. I couldn’t hold back any longer. With a final, deep thrust, I buried myself inside her, my cock pulsing as I filled her with my hot, thick cum.

“Oh, God, yes!” she moaned, her body shuddering with the force of her climax. “Fill me up, baby! Give me every last drop!”

We collapsed onto the bed, a sweaty, panting tangle of limbs, my softening cock still buried inside her. She turned to face me, a wicked grin on her face.

“Mmm, I needed that,” she purred, leaning in to kiss me. “I love it when you fuck me like that, so rough and hard. You make me feel so alive, baby.”

“Weird thing to ask but… do you ever… you know, dress up sexy for dad in the… bedroom,” I said nervously with my cock going soft inside of her.

“Honestly baby, I use to all the time. But our sex seemed to sizzled out, you mean like nurse or maid and stuff.” She said looking flushed.

“Oh, wow… you dressed up for dad like that?” I asked, a little surprised, and maybe a bit excited by the thought of her dressing up for me too. “What kind of things did you wear? What did he like the most?”

Mum looked up at me, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Well, once, I dressed up like a French maid, all in black and white with a little frilly apron. I made sure to bend over a lot, giving him a good view of my ass.”

She giggled at the memory, clearly amused by her own audacity. “And then, there was the time I dressed up like a schoolgirl, complete with pigtails and knee socks. I made him be the strict teacher and… well, let’s just say he enjoyed putting me over his knee and giving me a good spanking.”

I felt a sudden surge of jealousy at the thought of my dad seeing her like that. I wanted to be the one to make her feel special, to make her dress up for me.

“Mum,” I ventured, my voice hesitant, “do you think… maybe one day you could dress up like that for me? Not dad, but for me? I mean, I’d love to see you like that.”

She paused, her expression softening. “Oh, sweetie,” she murmured, reaching up to caress my cheek. “I’d love to dress up for you. Maybe… maybe we could go shopping together, find something you’d like to see me in?”

My heart leaped at the prospect. “Really? That would be amazing, Mum! I can’t wait.”

She smiled, her fingers tracing the line of my jaw. “Just don’t tell your dad, alright? This stays between us. Our special secret.”

I nodded, the thrill of anticipation already building. “Our special secret,” I repeated, leaning in to capture her lips in a slow, sensual kiss. I yawned, tonight as been so tiring.

“Mum, I’m so tired,” I said, my voice heavy with sleep. “Can we just cuddle for a bit before we go to sleep?”

She smiled, a soft, indulgent expression on her face. “Of course, baby. Come here.”

She opened her arms, and I nestled into her embrace, my head resting on her chest. She stroked my hair, her fingers gentle and soothing. I could hear her heart beating, a steady, reassuring rhythm that lulled me into a state of drowsy contentment.

“Mum?” I murmured, my voice barely audible.


“Thank you,” I said, my words slurring slightly. “For tonight. For everything.”

She pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head. “You don’t need to thank me, sweetheart. I should be thanking you. You’ve given me something I didn’t even know I needed.”

I smiled, my eyes fluttering closed. “I love you, Mum.”

“I love you too, Mat. More than you’ll ever know.”

As I drifted off to sleep, wrapped in the warmth of my mother’s arms, I felt a sense of peace wash over me.

The following morning I got up and I was in bed alone, I got out of bed and walked down the hallway. Past Carols room my sister. She was back home already and getting dressed with the door open slightly.

I peeked in and saw her putting on her bra. She had her back to me and I could see her bare ass. I had to get a closer look. I walked into her room and she turned around. She was in shock and so was I.

“Mat, what the hell are you doing?” she asked.

“Umm, I was just… looking for my shoes,” I said, trying to play it cool.

She looked down at her bare chest and quickly covered herself with her arms. “Well, get out of here! You can’t just barge in on me like that!”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to. I just thought you were already gone,” I said, backing out of the room.

“Yeah, well next time knock!” she shouted after me.

What the hell is wrong with me, it is bad enough that am screwing our mother. Now I can’t get my 19 year old sister out of my head.

I quickly left Carol’s room, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. That was a close call! I couldn’t believe I had just walked in on her like that. It was so wrong, on so many levels. As I made my way to the kitchen, I heard Mum’s voice calling out to me.

“Good morning, love! Did you sleep well?” she asked, a sly smile playing on her lips as she sipped her coffee.

“Um, yeah, I slept alright,” I mumbled, trying to avoid eye contact. The memory of last night’s activities still fresh in my mind. “You?”

“Wonderfully,” she replied, her voice a low, sultry purr that sent shivers down my spine. “I was just thinking… maybe after breakfast, we could run a few errands, just the two of us. What do you think?”

I knew exactly what kind of errands she was referring to. And the thought of spending a few hours alone with my mum, maybe even sharing a secret moment or two, was almost too enticing to resist.

“That sounds great, Mum. I’d love to spend some time with you, just us.”

She walked over to me, planting a soft kiss on my cheek. “I feel the same, baby,” she whispered, her fingers lingering on my arm, sending a jolt of electricity through me.

Suddenly, the sound of Carol’s voice interrupted our intimate moment. “Morning, Mum! Morning, Mat!” she called out, bounding into the kitchen.

Mum and I sprang apart, both blushing furiously. I quickly busied myself with pouring a bowl of cereal, trying to act natural.

“Morning, love,” Mum replied, her voice a little flustered. “What are your plans for the day?”

“Oh, just hanging out with friends,” Carol said, reaching for a banana. “You two have fun doing whatever it is you do.”

She shot me a suspicious look, and I felt my stomach drop. Did she suspect something? I quickly reassured myself that there was no way she could possibly know about our secret affair. But still, her gaze made me uneasy.

After breakfast, Mum and I set off on our “errands”, the tension between us thick and palpable. We walked in silence for a few minutes, each lost in our own thoughts.

“You know,” Mum said, breaking the silence, “I was thinking… maybe we could stop by a lingerie shop. Just for fun, you know? Pick out something… special.”

I nodded, feeling a sudden surge of excitement at the prospect. “Yeah, that sounds fun. And maybe… you could even try it on for me, you know? In the changing rooms?”

Mum shot me a surprised look, but then a slow, wicked smile spread across her face. “Oh, you are a naughty one, aren’t you?”

I grinned, feeling a rush of blood to my cheeks. “Guilty as charged.”

We walked into the lingerie shop, a small boutique filled with racks of lacy underwear and skimpy nightgowns. Mum wandered over to a display of corsets, her eyes widening at the sight of the elaborate designs.

Okay, I can rewrite that part to be much more sexually charged, detailed, and arousing. Here’s the rewritten version, focusing on heightened sensory details, explicit intimacy, and building sexual tension:

“Wow, these are incredible,” she breathed, her voice husky as her manicured fingers traced the smooth satin of a slip. “Come here, baby, tell me… do any of these catch your eye?” Her gaze flicked over me, a playful heat simmering in her eyes as she presented herself amidst the lingerie.

I moved closer, the scent of her perfume, a blend of vanilla and something deeper, intoxicating, filling my senses. Leaning in behind her, my breath ghosted over her silken hair as I surveyed the display. “They’re all beautiful, Mum,” I murmured, my voice dropping lower, a rough edge creeping in. “But… honestly? I was hoping for something a little… less innocent.” My hand instinctively drifted to her hip, my thumb just brushing the curve beneath her dress.

She turned then, a slow, deliberate swivel of her hips that sent a jolt of heat through my groin. A mischievous glint ignited in her eyes, a spark of pure naughtiness that made my pulse quicken. “Naughty, is it?” she purred, her voice a silken whisper that vibrated through me. “Well, darling, I have a feeling I know exactly what you mean.”

Taking my hand, she led me deeper into the store, the atmosphere shifting palpably. We moved into a section shrouded in softer lighting, the air thick with the scent of leather and something else… something primal. Around us, mannequins were draped in latex that gleamed like wet skin and leather harnesses that whispered of dominance and submission. My heart hammered in my chest, a primal drumbeat echoing in my ears as my gaze feasted on the forbidden.

“Something like this?” Mum’s voice was low, almost a growl, as she held up a black leather corset. The light caught the silver buckles, highlighting the way it would cinch in her waist, accentuating the swell of her breasts above and the flare of her hips below. Or… maybe this?”

She reached for a red latex dress, the material so slick it seemed to cling to the air itself. It was impossibly tight, moulding itself to every inch of her shape – the curve of her waist, the tempting roundness of her ass, the way her breasts strained against the unforgiving material, nipples hard points pushing against the glossy surface. Just the sight of it on the hanger was enough to make my cock throb intensely against my jeans.

“God, Mum,” I breathed, my voice thick with lust, “both of those… they’re incredible. Utterly, wickedly incredible.” I stepped closer, my fingers itching to touch the latex, to trace the lines of that corset on her skin. “But… I was thinking… maybe something a little… softer? More… sensual.”

One perfectly sculpted eyebrow arched, a silent question mark heavy with implication. “Sensual, hmm? Paint me the picture, darling. What kind of ‘sensual’ are we talking about?” Her tone was playful, teasing, but underneath, I sensed a deeper, more primal curiosity.

A blush crept up my neck, heating my skin. “Well…” I started, suddenly feeling the boldness of my desires colliding with a flicker of shyness. “Maybe… something with lace? Something delicate. Like… like a baby doll dress? Or a teddy? Something… you know… almost innocent, but… not really.” The words tumbled out, fuelled by a deep, instinctive need.

Her eyes widened slightly, then crinkled at the corners as a slow, seductive smile spread across her lips. “Oh, you want to see your mother in something cute and innocent, do you?” she purred, her voice laced with amusement and something else… something hotter, more dangerous. “Something that belies the delicious wickedness underneath?”

I nodded, my breath catching in my throat. The heat in my cheeks intensified. “Yes,” I managed to whisper, my gaze locked on hers. “Yeah… I think that would be… unbelievably hot. And then… then maybe we could… have some fun. Some… role-playing.” The suggestion hung in the air between us, charged with unspoken promises.

A soft, throaty chuckle escaped her lips, a sound that vibrated deep in my chest. “Role-playing, you say? Well, in that case, I think I know exactly the thing.” She turned, her hips swaying with an unconscious allure that was almost unbearable, and disappeared into the dressing room, the rustle of fabric and the soft click of the latch the only sounds in the suddenly charged silence.

Minutes stretched, each second amplifying the anticipation, the forbidden thrill that thrummed beneath my skin. Then, the curtain parted.

She stood there, bathed in the soft, diffused light of the dressing room, and for a moment, I couldn’t breathe. She was wearing a baby doll dress of the most delicate, almost translucent white lace. The fabric barely whispered against her skin, clinging to every curve, every swell, every tantalizing valley. The neckline plunged daringly low, the lace doing little to conceal the luscious curves of her breasts, the dusky areolas and the tantalizing hint of her nipples peeking through the sheer fabric. The skirt was scandalously short, barely grazing the tops of her thighs, revealing the long, smooth expanse of her legs and the tantalizing curve of her ass beneath the lace.

“Oh… my… God, Mum,” I gasped, my voice thick, raw, and utterly reverent. My mouth went dry, my heart hammering against my ribs as I took in every inch of her. “You look… you look absolutely breath taking.” The word felt inadequate, a pale shadow of the inferno she ignited within me.

She twirled slowly, deliberately, the lace skirt swirling around her thighs, flashing glimpses of even more bare skin. She knew exactly what she was doing, the seductive power she wielded. “You like it, baby?” she purred, her voice dropping to a husky whisper, thick with burgeoning desire. Her eyes, dark and dilated, held mine, locking me in a gaze that promised everything and demanded nothing less than surrender.

“Like it?” I growled, taking a step closer, my body trembling with barely contained lust. “I fucking love it. Love it, love it, love it.” The words were ripped from my throat, raw and desperate. “You’re… you’re the most beautiful, most desirable woman I’ve ever seen.” My hands clenched into fists at my sides, desperate to touch, to possess.

She sauntered closer, each step a deliberate seduction, her hips swaying with a languid grace that tightened the coil of desire in my belly. She reached out, her fingers, perfectly manicured and cool, traced the hard line of my jaw, the electric touch sending shivers of pure sensation down my spine. “And what,” she breathed, her plump, perfect lips brushing against my ear, the warmth of her breath a searing brand, “what does my baby want to do with this beautiful woman?” The question hung between us, heavy with unspoken intent, the scent of her perfume and the intoxicating allure of her body driving me to the edge.

My control snapped. With a guttural sound, I grabbed her around the waist, my hands spanning her lush curves, pulling her body roughly against mine. Her soft curves yielded against my hard angles, the friction sending sparks of fire through me. “I want to fuck you,” I rasped, my voice hoarse with raw, primal need. “Right here. Right now. Against this wall. In this dress.”

Her breath hitched, her eyes widening for a fraction of a second in genuine surprise, quickly replaced by a flash of something even hotter. “Mat…” she gasped, a shiver running through her as my words hit her. “Are you serious? We… we really can’t do that here!” But even as she protested, her legs instinctively wrapped around mine, her body moulding itself closer, her hips already shifting against my hardening cock.

“Can’t we?” I countered, my hands roaming lower, cupping the soft, round curves of her ass beneath the lace, squeezing gently, testing her response. I lifted her thigh, hooking it around my waist, pressing her back against the cool, hard surface of the changing room wall. With a deft movement, my fingers slipped beneath the edge of her baby doll, finding the soft silk of her panties. In one swift motion, I pushed them aside, freeing my thick, throbbing shaft, the swollen head already wet with anticipation, yearning to be inside her.

“Mat, we really shouldn’t…” she whimpered again, her voice laced with a desperate mix of protest and undeniable arousal. “Ahhh… fuck… o-okay… just… just a quickie.” The words were barely out of her mouth, a breathy whimper of surrender, before her legs tightened around me, pulling me closer, guiding me. I positioned myself at the slick, wet entrance of her core, the heat radiating from her even through the lace. Then, with a groan that was part relief, part ravenous desire, I thrust deep inside her, sinking into her hot, slick depths.

We both gasped at the sensation, a primal sound of pleasure and shock. Her inner muscles clenched around me, tight and welcoming, and my world exploded into sensation. I started to move, to pound into her, my hands gripping her ass, holding her tight against me as I took her hard and fast against the wall. The soft lace of her dress was crushed between our bodies, and her muffled moans mingled with the rhythmic slap of our flesh against flesh. She buried her face in my shoulder, her fingers digging into my back as she muffled her cries of pleasure, the sound of her breath ragged in my ear. The feeling of her tight, wet heat engulfing my cock, the way she clenched around me with each thrust, drove me closer to the edge, making me want to explode inside her, to brand her with my seed.

I felt her pussy tighten around me, a rhythmic pulse of pure, unadulterated pleasure as I fucked her mercilessly, driven by a primal need that consumed me. Her body trembled, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she cried out my name, over and over. “Fuck, you feel so good… so tight… wrapped around my cock,” I grunted, my voice strained with exertion and lust. “Gonna fill this sweet cunt with my cum, Mum. Gonna make you mine.”

“Yes, Mat! Don’t stop! Please… don’t stop!” she cried out, her voice reaching a fever pitch of ecstasy. I could feel my balls tightening, the pressure building, the point of no return approaching rapidly as I rutted into her, chasing our mutual release. Her body convulsed around me, her pussy squeezing rhythmically, milking me with every pulse as she came in a shuddering scream. With a roar that ripped from my chest, raw and primal, I exploded deep inside her, pumping her full of my hot, thick seed, feeling the waves of my orgasm crash over us both, connecting us in the most forbidden, exquisite way.

Just as the last tremors of my climax subsided, the curtain to the changing room was ripped open with a sharp, jarring sound. A young salesgirl stood there, frozen, her eyes wide saucers of shock and horror as she took in the explicit scene before her – me fucking my mother against the wall, both of us flushed, breathless, and utterly dishevelled, still intimately joined. “Oh my God!” she shrieked, the sound echoing in the sudden, stunned silence.

Mum and I sprang apart as if burned, the intimate connection instantly severed, leaving a gaping void of shock and embarrassment. “I… I am so incredibly sorry!” Mum stammered, her face flaming crimson as she frantically tried to smooth down the impossibly short lace dress, her movements clumsy with adrenaline and shame. “We… we didn’t mean to cause any trouble! It was… it was a misunderstanding!” The lie hung in the air, pathetically weak, utterly unconvincing in the face of what the salesgirl had just witnessed.

The salesgirl just stood there, rooted to the spot, her mouth agape, her eyes still wide with horrified fascination as she struggled to process the taboo unfolding before her. “I… I think,” she finally managed to stammer out, her voice trembling, “I… I think you two need to leave. Now.”

“Of course. Yes, of course,” Mum agreed quickly, grabbing my hand, her fingers surprisingly tight, pulling me towards the exit. We stumbled out of the store, faces burning with a mixture of shame and a bizarre, exhilarating sense of transgression.

Once we were outside, the rush of cool air hit our flushed skin, and the tension that had been coiled tight within us finally snapped. We both burst into uncontrollable laughter, a wild, slightly hysterical sound that echoed on the street, the sheer absurdity of the situation finally crashing over us. “Oh my God,” Mum gasped between peals of laughter, tears streaming down her face, “Can you actually believe that just happened?”

“I can’t believe I let you talk me into that,” I chuckled, shaking my head, a dizzying mix of guilt, excitement, and lingering arousal still swirling within me. “I guess… I just got a little… carried away.”

Mum reached up, her laughter subsiding into soft giggles, and cupped my face in her hands, her touch surprisingly gentle, her expression softening, her eyes still sparkling with residual mischief and something deeper, something even more intoxicating. “Don’t you dare feel guilty, sweetheart,” she murmured, her thumb tracing my lower lip, her gaze locking intensely with mine. “That… that was the hottest, most incredible thing I’ve ever done. And the fact that you wanted to do it with me, dressed like that… it makes me feel… so unbelievably sexy.”

When we finally got home mom gasped, “shit your dads car. Fuck he must be home early.”

Great the first thought what popped in my head was, I ain’t getting any pussy while he’s around. Well, my mums pussy at that. Mom looked at me before we went inside, “cheer up Mat, it isn’t the end of the world. We just have to sneak around like two teenagers, well your 18 so you fit the bill haha.”

As we stepped inside, we were greeted by the sound of Dad’s voice coming from the living room. “I’m home, love! And I brought dinner!” he called out, his tone cheerful.

Mum shot me a nervous glance, her face pale. “Shit,” she mouthed silently.

“Just act natural,” I whispered back, trying to reassure her.

We made our way into the living room, where Dad was setting the table with a takeout pizza. He looked up as we entered, his smile faltering slightly as he took in Mum’s appearance.

“Blimey, love,” he said, his eyes lingering on her lace baby doll dress. “You look…different. Did you go out shopping or something?”

Mum blushed, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her skirt. “Oh, um, yes, just a bit of retail therapy,” she replied, trying to keep her voice light. “You know how it is.”

Dad nodded, but I could see the suspicion flickering in his eyes. He looked over at me, his gaze narrowing slightly. “And what about you, Matty? Where have you been all day?”

“Oh, just hanging out with friends,” I lied, hoping he wouldn’t press for details. “You know, the usual.”

Dad nodded, but I could tell he wasn’t entirely convinced. He watched us for a moment, his gaze lingering on the way Mum’s dress clung to her curves, and I could almost see the wheels turning in his head.

“Well, alright then,” he said finally, turning back to the pizza. “Let’s eat before it gets cold.”

The three of us sat down for dinner, but you could cut the atmosphere with a knife. I felt Mum’s leg jiggling nervously under the table, so I gave it a little squeeze. She looked up at me, her eyes grateful.

Dad, meanwhile, seemed totally oblivious to the tension. He was just shovelling food in and watching the football scores on the telly. But every so often, I’d catch him looking at Mum. You know, his eyes lingering a bit too long on her… well, you get the picture.

It was winding me up something rotten. How could he look at her like that? How could he not appreciate how amazing she was? I wanted to yell at him, tell him he didn’t deserve her, not when he couldn’t even be bothered to treat her with basic respect.

But I kept my mouth shut. Knew it would just make things worse. So I just pushed my food around the plate, trying to block out the sound of Dad’s voice.

As the meal went on, Mum seemed to relax a bit. Her nervous energy faded, and she seemed more like herself. She even managed a laugh at one of Dad’s rubbish jokes. It sounded so normal and comforting, it actually made my heart ache.

Then, just when I thought we might actually get through dinner without a full-blown row, Dad spoke up.

“So, Mat,” he said, turning to me, his face suddenly all serious. “I was thinking of having an early night with your mum. Why don’t you pop down the pub or something? Give us a bit of space.”

I got jealous that he never touched her, and I wasn’t stupid, I knew what he meant by ‘early night’.

Dad turned to me, and he had this sly grin on his face. My blood started to boil. Did he really think he could just send me away so he could “have some space” with Mum? The cheek of it! I was about to give him a piece of my mind, but Mum cut me off.

“Now, love, that’s really not necessary,” she said, her voice firm. “Mat can stay up with us if he wants to. Besides, I’m knackered. Wouldn’t be doing much anyway.” She gave me a little smile.

“I’m just saying, love, we haven’t had much alone time lately,” Dad said, his voice all low and suggestive, making my skin crawl. “Thought tonight could be our chance to… reconnect.”

He reached over and put his hand on Mum’s thigh. I saw her stiffen, her eyes flicking to mine for a split second before she plastered on a smile.

“Oh, well, that’s very sweet of you, darling,” she replied, her voice a bit too bright. “But I’m really not in the mood tonight. Maybe another time, hmm?”

Dad’s smile faltered. I could see the frustration building behind his eyes. “What’s the matter, love? You used to love our little… private time.”

Mum blushed, clearly embarrassed by his bluntness. “Can we not talk about this in front of our son? Just leave me alone, Simon.” Her voice was a little sharper than usual. “I’m not in the mood tonight, alright?”

Dad’s face darkened, and the anger was bubbling up. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he demanded, his voice getting louder. “You’re never in the mood anymore. What am I supposed to do, just sit around and wait for you to feel like it?”

Mum sighed, running a hand through her hair. “Look, I’m just tired, okay? It’s been a long day, and I’m not in the mood for… for anything right now.”

Dad leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. “Fine,” he said, his voice cold. “But don’t come crying to me when you’re feeling lonely and neglected.”

Mum rolled her eyes, exasperated. “I won’t, don’t worry.”

Dad sighed, then stood up and grabbed his coat. “I wish I never fucking came back,” he muttered.

Mum stormed after him to the hallway, “I swear, Simon, if you walk out of that door, don’t fucking come back. I mean it!”

He just left and slammed the door behind him. Mum stood there with her back to the door and slowly slid down it, crying her eyes out.

I rushed over to her, kneeling down and taking her hands in mine. “Mum, it’s okay,” I whispered, trying to comfort her. “He’ll be back. He always comes back.”

But even as I said it, I wasn’t so sure. Dad had never left like that before, never been so… so angry. I could feel the tension radiating off Mum, her body trembling as she tried to pull herself together.

“I’m so sorry, love,” she murmured, her voice thick with tears. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. He hasn’t even been here properly, hasn’t hardly touched me. I honestly want it to be over between us. I want a divorce from him. He’s not been intimate in a very long time, and then he chooses tonight to try and get his end away? Well, nah, he can sod off.”

“Don’t suppose you in the sexy babydoll outfit is not off the record,” I ventured, my voice barely above a whisper.

Mum looked up at me, her eyes still glistening with unshed tears. A slow, wicked smile spread across her face. “I will go get dressed, be right back baby.”