The Daughters Wet Fanny
In a quaint suburban town, a family of three resided: Sarah, the curvaceous mother with long, wavy chestnut hair and deep brown eyes; Mark, the towering, muscular father with short, spiky golden hair and bright…
In a quaint suburban town, a family of three resided: Sarah, the curvaceous mother with long, wavy chestnut hair and deep brown eyes; Mark, the towering, muscular father with short, spiky golden hair and bright…
My name is Alice and I am a 22-year-old girl who has always had a secret obsession with incest porn. I know it’s taboo and forbidden, but I couldn’t help myself. The thought of my…
I questioned reasons I should remain with my family as I planned to leave the comfort of my childhood home and head off to college. It’s a difficult decision given the circumstances. One of the…
My name is Sarah and I am a 19-year-old college student. I have long blonde hair that falls past my shoulders, big blue eyes, and a slender yet curvy figure. My parents are loving and…
On the 16th of July, a mere week after I celebrated my eighteenth birthday, I revelled in the warm embrace of the summer sun. I am Valerie, currently residing with my father in anticipation of…