The Daughters Wet Fanny

In a quaint suburban town, a family of three resided: Sarah, the curvaceous mother with long, wavy chestnut hair and deep brown eyes; Mark, the towering, muscular father with short, spiky golden hair and bright…

Dad thought I was mom and fucked me

I questioned reasons I should remain with my family as I planned to leave the comfort of my childhood home and head off to college. It’s a difficult decision given the circumstances. One of the…

The Gloryhole Accident – Family Taboo

Young Valerie, her long brown hair falling to her shoulders, couldn’t resist the temptation of the adult bookstore that was hidden from public view. Her pert nipples stood proudly out from under her crop top,…

Camping with a Tensed Daddy

I’m Claire, and I just turned 18. Today, I’m taking my dad on a camping trip. He’s been really stressed lately because things with Mom aren’t great. He needs a break, and some fresh air,…